Chapter Three: Holy shit! This can't be happening.

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Sorry guys I know it's been taking me a really long time to update and I am truly sorry, you see the is my first book so yeah.

Slow ass human.


Yea, whatever.

Anyway as I was so rudely interrupted,



I hope you enjoy this chapter

I look around in the crowd of people and see Makyla and Cat at the cement benches were they said to meet them.

I super speed walk to them as fast as I can. "Ready?" Makyla asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be." I say as they turn around giving me a hand gesture to follow them.

We run to the opening of a fence and the school fence, Makyla sniffs the air making sure no one is following us, we run super fast through the ditch, we look both ways making sure no one is coming,we cross over, them using their wolf speed while I just run regularly​ cause I haven't​ shifted yet. When I'm crossed over I look to where Cat and Makyla were and I see they barely just crossed over which is wierd because they​ went before me.

"Damn Caitlyn you got fast wolf speed." Cat says panting.

"I was just running regularly, I haven't shifted yet." I say looking confused then at the ground from embarrassment.

"WHAT!!!" They​ shout in unison. "Then how did you do that?" Makyla says shocked.

"I don't know I guess I'm naturally fast." I say shrugging.

"Okay." Cat says calmly but doesn't look like she believes it.

I change the subject quickly. "Beat y'all to the fields!" I say taking off looking behind me seeing their faces priceless, then quickly turning into smirks while taking off in wolf speed trying to catch up to me. My eyes widen as I turn my face around seeing that I'm about to run into a tree. I quickly try to dodge it. I move just in time but my arm scrapes the tree. I ignore the pain because I know that it will heal quickly. I see as I'm coming up to the fence where the fields are at, I get myself ready to jump over the fence while doing a countdown. 3........ 2........ 1!!! I bend down as low as I can get, then I jump pushing off the ground with all my might. As I'm jumping over the fence since I do this alot I decide to land doing a flip. I swing all my weight forward making me spin then land on the ground perfectly with a thud. I get up and notice that I may have made a midget crater. 'Dammit what's up with my strength lately?'

I turn around and​ Makyla is jumping over the fence landing perfectly getting up from the ground. We turn around looking at Cat as she's getting ready to jump. She backs up a little bit and runs at her full speed. She bends down as she is close to the fence and pushes herself off the ground. I see her leg get caught on the fence. "Ahhhhhh!" Cat falls on her face to the ground.

She gets up and Makyla and I just stand there shocked at what happened right as we also try to not laugh until I see Cats' face. I burst out laughing like a hyena. I fall to the ground rolling around in the grass and dirt while quickly Makyla joins me.

Cat has grass and dirt all over her face while in her mouth she has grass and dirt all up in there. She spits out the ground that she ate up because I guess she was hungry. "Guys that wasn't funny I could've seriously hurt mysel- Ahhhhhh!" Makyla and I look up to see Cat running around screaming.

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