Chapter Two: You're like me!?!

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("Start the song when it it shows this
~°~°Start Song°~°~ Thank you.")

("Damn someone's ​nice for once." I say snickering.)

("Shut the fuck up Caitlyn!!!")

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Get up lazy ass!!!

Oh shut up Opal!!!

It's the day before school is out. I would be excited but it's​ really early in the morning. Waking up at five thirty in the morning for a whole 10 months has a pull on you. You get tired a lot.

So I get up and do my daily routine. I wake up my little sister and little brother. My two other little brothers live with their mom. Then I wake my parents up. I walk back to my room and my little sister is asleep. Eh, I'll wake her up later. She gets dressed fast. I go to my closet and pick out a dark pair of jeans, a marvel shirt of the avengers, and a pair of black and white converse. I start straightening​ my hair, then wake up Nina (my little sister). She gives a lot of attitude for an eleven year old.

She has super dark brown hair that it almost looks black, beautiful chocolate brown eyes, a slim figure​, braces, her hair is to her shoulders,she has light brown skin, and she wears glasses. She is the star child of the family. While I on the other hand I have a pixie cut, olive tanned skin, brown eyes, my hair is a light brown color with blonde highlights and I don't know how but I have chestnut brown hair at the end of my tips, people say that I'm curvy but I feel fat so I work out now. So, yeah.

After fifteen minutes later I was ready.

Girl we look good. In our own way.

I know.

Me and my siblings go to get in the car and wait for my mom, as usual. I sit in the passenger seat as usual while my siblings sit in the back seats. I turn around in my seat and look at my siblings. Nina is wearing dark grey joggers and a shirt that says 'to tired to care', while my second lil bro, Jr, is wearing his Batman shirt, black shorts, and his Jordans​. Jr looks like​ Nina except he is 10, shorter, has black hair, and is a lil chubby. He looks so adorable.

After like five minutes my mom gets into the car and we're off to school. I'm so happy that I have only one more day of school after today. Since we are running late my mom drops me off first, cause it's faster that way. She drops me off at the bottom of the hill so she doesn't have to drive all the way up the hill to drop me off and have to come all the way down to go drop off my siblings, so she drops me off at the bottom on the hill.

I take my sweet time to walk up the hill. After about five minutes I'm at school.

Welcome to the hell hole I call school.
Jack C. Jordan Middle School. Yay go Jaguars!!! Note the sarcasm. Most of the girls dress like sluts. And most of the guys here are douche bags, that hang there pants low making it look like they took a enormous​ dump in their pants. But I have my friends who most of them aren't like most of these kids at school.

I walk pass​ by the wall​ where most of the seventh graders sit at and the scent of wolf hits me, and it smells like they are part of a pack. It smells like more than one, actually a dozen or so. I take another sniff and I can't smell the scent anymore. A shake my head and tell myself is that I'm just crazy. I would've known if there was any other wolves here, but just for precaution I tell Opal to hide our scent.

I see my friend Mary. Mary is the chill girl who can sing. She has beautiful light brown skins, chestnut brown hair with tight curls that goes​ above her shoulders, she wears black glasses, she's tall, and she's slim.

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