5: Where is She

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"Where is everyone?" Jasmine said to Will. "I don't know. I told the girls to follow us but they must've went to find Hudson!" Will said. He knew the girls could handle their own. But Katey couldn't. "We gotta go find Katey!" Will said. "Where is she?" Jasmine shouted over the shooting. "Let's go find her!" Will said back.

Will and Jasmine pushed and shoved through crowds of terrified survivors. Upon hearing gunshots throughout the town. "Please help me. My daughter, she's trapped." A panicked mother said. "Where is she?" Will asked. The woman started to lead them over to her daughter.

"It's okay, mommy's here, mommy's here!" The woman said. Her daughter was inside a crumpled down building. Engulfed in flames. Probably caused by the hunters with molotov cocktails.

The little girl banged on the window. Tears poured down from her eyes and her cheeks. "Please do something!" The woman said. "Stand back! Stand back!" Will said to the little girl. Will pulled out his gun and aimed it at the glass and pulled the trigger. Will then kicked through the glass.

The little girl shrieked in fear. "Come on! Come on!" Will said to the little girl. The roof then started to cave in. "Oh nooo!" Jasmine said. The little girl's terrified scream was heard as she was buried under the burning wood.

"Noooo!" The woman screamed.

"Will!" A girls voice shouted. Will looked over his shoulder and seen her. Katey. She was alive. "Katey, thank god you're alive." He said as she wrapped her arms around him. As they broke the hug, Katey then hugged Jasmine. Will looked at the woman they were with.

"I'm sorry about your daughter." He said. She didn't reply. She just gazed into the flames that flooded the building. "Will, hunters will be here soon." Katey said. "I had to run from them." She said. Will looked toward the woman on her knees.

He frowned and ran with Katey and Jasmine. They managed to get away from the hunters before they could see them.

"There's one." A hunter said, pointing at the woman. Another aimed their revolver at her and pulled the trigger.

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