17: Smart Plans

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Abigail woke from her slumber when she heard shuffling outside the tent. She sat up and yawned. Dalton walked into the large tent and slightly smiled at her. "You're awake." He said. "Whatcha doin'?" Abigail questioned him. "Oh, Joseph didn't tell you guys?" Dalton said as he placed down a duffle bag. Abigail raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Every few days, we pick a spot to settle, then we move on to the next. To avoid crossing paths with lurkers or hunters." He told her. "Huh, that ain't bad." Abigail said as she stood up. Dalton smiled at her. "When we leavin'?" She asked. "In an hour or so. Still gotta pack a few stuff. Your friend, Kyle, is okay." He said. Abigail nodded. "Good. I thought we lost him." She said.

"Could use a hand?" Dalton said. "Sure." Abigail picked up another duffle bag and walked out the tent with Dalton. Out into the snow. "Hey, Abigail right?" Joseph greeted. Abigail smiled and nodded. "Dalton filled you in?" Joseph asked. "Yeah. I like y'er plan." She said. Joseph nodded with a smile. "Everyone else's still asleep. S'just been Dalton and I. But now that you're awake, things could speed up a bit." Joseph said.

Abigail and Dalton finished bringing supplies out to Joseph. All they had to do was sit down and wait for everyone to wake up. "Thanks for takin' us in by the way." Abigail said. "Yeah. No problem. We could use the company. Me especially." Dalton said. "Been a while since I talked to someone my own age." He said. He looked at her. "You and Clementine seem pretty close." He said. "Since day one." Abigail told him. Dalton nodded. "It's important to have people like that in our lives." He said. "Yeah. I love Clem. Not in that way..." Dalton snickered. "Yeah. I know." He said. "But, Clementine does means a lot to me." Abigail said. Dalton nodded.

He looked at her purple highlight in her bangs. "When did you get that done?" He asked. "Get what done?" He nodded at the highlight. "Oh, this? A long time ago. I think I was six when I got this." She said. "Looks nice." Dalton told her. Abigail smiled at him. "Listen. Abigail, I-" "Hey guys, what's up?" Kyle asked as he sat beside them. "Oh, hey Kyle." Abigail said to him. Dalton sighed. "Hey." He said. "Glad y'er okay." Abigail said. "Do you know what was wrong?" Dalton asked him. "Erik said I just passed out due to hunger. But now, thanks to you guys, I'm still here." Kyle said. Dalton smiled. "Glad we could help." He said.

"Is that everything?" Joseph asked. "Should be." Dalton said. "Okay good. Once everyone wakes up, we'll discuss if we're sticking together, or separating." Joseph said. "What do you think guys?" Dalton asked Abigail and Kyle. "I don't know." Kyle said with a playful expression. "What do you think, Abigail?" He said. Abigail smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"I'd like to stay." She said. Joseph smiled. "I'm glad. Hope everyone else agrees with you, Abigail." He said. "Yeah, me too." Abigail said. Kyle nodded. "I wouldn't mind." He said. "After all, they saved my life." Kyle added. "So, I'm forever in your debt." He said to Dalton. "Don't mention it." Dalton said with a nod.

Joseph cleared his throat. "Well, I'm gonna go take a piss. Make sure no lurker comes around." He said and walked off.

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