I will always love you...

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Jai and i have been together for 3 years now and things are much more smoother than usual this is our last years at high school and we are excited but sad at the same time and we cant explain how much we hated and loved school it was a lifetime experience and i could never regret anything i did in high school because i knew that it was fun times in high school there were some kill me now moments and last longet moments it was just a experience that i could never take back and my Graduation/Deb im going to have my babe Jai~ He is the first one i will go to if i need help he is my universe and he knows that he is mine and mine only every night i tell him "I will always love you" and he replies "You too♡" Each and every night and its kind of tradition now that we think about it and i over heard him saying "Should i propose to her or wait until Adult life?" To my mum and she is all for it and so is my dad he just want the magic words "Yes" Come out of my mouth to tell if we are officially Married so im waiting for that special moment to say "I Do" at our wedding and i feel that we will love eachother forever...

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