Chapter 1:Mika

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Part I: Another normal day
A teenage girl with flowing curly brown-blonde hair and a purple flower in her ear sat at a rock near by the sea.
She stared at the sunset as the wind blew on her hair. She unconsciously played with the golden chain necklace around her neck.

It was a simple gold necklace with a ruby surrounded by swirling silver tiny diamonds in the center. It was a gift from her deceased mother,a last parting gift before she would never see her daughter again.

"Hey mom.Is it nice up there?Have you seen dad?Tomorrow's my birthday and I just wanted to check on you earlier in case I'll forget to do it tomorrow," Amber muttered to herself.
She never really knew her parents since she was gone when Amber was still a year old.
Amber had a really well memory,she was also gifted in many things like magic and music. She still remembered her mother's face when she kissed her forehead as a goodbye.
She began humming a nice and soft tune that her mother used to hum when she was crying and it always soothed and eased her.

Several feet from her was her home and her foster parents. They find themselves lucky to have a child like Amber but they were worried. She was almost turning the appropriate age to join the game called Hunt. They were waiting for a letter that said that Amber had to join.

Her parents knew she was a strong and gifted magic-user. She had a scythe as a weapon and she'd always end up being number one in class. She was tested to see what level her capabilities were and it surpassed the king's and queen's. If she would join the hunt,she will first have to battle to see if she was qualified.Even so,She was just a teenager. She liked having no care in the world and just relaxing in particular.She didn't want to go hunting,She just wanted to chill.

When she was tested she belonged in the middle of high king and low king,according to results. She was explained that The level for power goes like this,from strongest to weakest:
High Emperor
Lower Emperor
High King
Low King
Officers or troops

But it may be possible that even the Students,Teachers,or troops may surpass those above them. In Amber's case,She had surpassed the Low King but not the High King. So she was somewhere in between

Still,even if the parents were worried,they were also proud of their child. She was already nicknamed 'The grim reaper' due to her scythe and her dark magic.

"She's having her birthday tomorrow," Johnna Villos,Amber's foster mother,whispered to her dear husband,Paolo Villos
"Yes and tomorrow will be the day she'll either be accepted or rejected," Paolo confirmed with a nod."Come on dear,Let's start preparing for dinner."

They both walked inside just as their true daughter,Ally Villos went running towards her big sis.
"Sis! Sis!" Ally waved her hands in the air while running.She always loved her big sister,even if she was adopted. Amber was her role model and She always wanted to be like her.

Amber turned around while smiling,"Yeah,Ally?"
She jumped down from the rock and spreaded her arms,ready for an embrace.
Ally came running into Amber's arms and together,they hugged eachother.

"Can I see your magic?" Ally asked hopefully in a cute voice
"Which one?" Amber chuckled and leveled herself with Ally's height.
"The one with the pretty snow!" Ally clapped her hands gleefully.
Y/N's hand glowed a light baby blue and she tapped Ally's nose and a bunch of snow was left on her nose,"You mean this?" She giggled as her little sis sneezed then grinned,"Yeah yeah yeah!"

Amber showered Ally with snow as she danced around in the snow,throwing it in the air and such.It was getting dark and with Amber's other arm,she used Her light magic.
They were still playing around when Johnna called,"Kids! Dinner's ready!"

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