Chapter 5: Nico

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Part IX:Nuh-uh gurl,I ain't gay

"Where now? I went to almost every store!" Nico exclaimed,his hands full of shopping bags. Apparently,He had super duper fun shopping even if he was a guy.

"Hmmm...what do I still lack?" Nico pondered,looking up as if that will help him remember."Oh,I know! Mika's gift!"
His little remembering session was destroyed when he heard a high-pitched laugh.
"Look mommy! A gay man!" A little girl with blond pigtails pointed at Nico as she passed by him.
"Your right dear. He is gay," Her mother supported what her daughter said and pulled her along not before mouthing an 'I'm so sorry' to Nico.
Nico fake smiled at her,"No worries Mdm." But inside,he's soul was crushed into tiny little bits.
'Do I really look gay with this shopping bags?' Nico thought to himself,sighing internally.
'Oh wait,I have my storage!' Nico brightened up and he summoned his space locker where he dumped all his shopping stuff inside.

"There much better," He thought out loud to himself,grinning proudly,Earning him a few weird stares from a couple of people who passed by.
Nico ignored these looks and carried on."I think one last visit to a shop will do," Nico says,starting to walk to the shop at the far end of the street.
Part X: Ah,books. I just love them
A jingle was heard above Nico's head as he entered the bookstore.
He looked around curiously like a person who was lost in a brand new place,"So what would Mika want?"
He suddenly remembered what she wanted when they were just casually chatting and went to one of the staff members.
"Excuse me, but where is the full sets of Harry Potter, Miss. Peregrine's home for peculiar children?Percy Jackson and every book of Rick Riordan about the gods?" He asked politely,waiting for an answer from the woman.
"Aisle number 84. All the complete sets your looking for is there," The woman directed Nico,pointing where Aisle 84 is.
"Thank you!" Nico thanked the woman and began walking to his destination.

Nico's arms were full of books when he reached the counter,"Here you go!"
The woman behind the cashier looked at Nico in shock. Probably thinking 'Why is this young man buying so much books?'
"Helloooo? Are you still there?" Nico snapped the lady out of her trance by snapping his fingers together infront of her face.
"Uhm...sorry," She pushed her glasses up her nose and began
Punching in the code numbers for the sets of books.
After a while,She finally finished saying,"That will be 7,998 ken."
"Okie dokie," Nico fished out some money and gave it to the lady,who was putting the sets into a magical bottomless bag.
The lady accepted it and handed the bag to Nico,"Thank You very much,have a good day."

Nico nodded his head and left with nothing on his hands. He deposited the books inside the bag inside the space locker. He was just walking around when he heard some sort whistle that,and so he claims,only he can hear.
"That must be Mika," Nico confirmed and expanded his wings. He jumped and immediately,he flew towards where he had heard the whistle come from.

"Where is he? Where is he?" Mika paced back and forth over and over again. She wasn't worried,she just wanted to go home already.
"Looking for me?" A voice interrupts her pacing and she turns around. She sees Nico infront of her,smiling like an idiot.
"No. I'm looking for Harry Potter," Mika sarcastically remarks back.
"Whatever," Nico rolls his eyes."Let's go home?"
"Yeah," She nodded her head with Nico and together,they walked back home.
Part XI: I get even more gifts!! Yeah!
The door bursts open with a slam,"We're home!!" The twins shout,loud enough so that their family can hear them.
Johnna runs to them ,"Great! So what did you buy?"
Mika grinned,"Mom,call everyone to the living room. I've got a surprise!!"
"Okay honey!" Johnna goes back to call Ally and Paolo.

"What's the surprise?" Nico asked,curious and excited at the same time.
"If I tell you,then it won't be a surprise anymore," Mika winked then grinned again."Right?"
"Yeah...I guess so," Nico pouted and whined."But I want to know!"
"Chill man. We're in the living room already so you'll get to know it now," Mika comforted.
Nico giddily clapped his hands with a wide smile in his face.

They entered the living room where Johnna,Ally and Paolo were sitting their patiently,waiting for Mika to show them the surprise.Nico sat along with them but on the floor.
"Okay guys,My surprise for you is," Mika pulled out the 4 medium-sized cases with the crystals out of thin air and opened it. The whole family gasped in awe.
"Are those for us?" Johnna asked excitedly and curiously.
"Each one of you gets one," Mika awkwardly says,looking at the side and avoiding contact.
"What are those?" Ally asked,giving a bemused look and peaking inside the cases to examine the crystals more.
"Those are telepathic communicator crystals. We can talk to each other using these,in other words," Mika explained briefly for Ally to understand properly.
"Ohhhh...I get it!" Ally exclaims happily,making an 'O' with her mouth.

Mika tossed a hair clip to Ally,who immediately put it on squealing and giggling on how pretty it looks. She gave necklaces to Johnna and Paolo,who said thank you in return and they,too,immediately put it on. Lastly,she gave one half-a-wing to Nici. He slipped it on his index finger.
"How will we know if it works?" Nico asked,admiring his new ring.
"I'll try to contact you,okay?" Mika said to Nico and he nodded.

'Hey Nico!!' Mika thought,directing it to Nico and not to the other 3 people who have also have a connection.
'Woah,it does work!' Nico exclaimed happily in his head,grinning internally.

"So does it work?" Johnna asked nervously,hoping it will because she just absolutely loves it!
Mika and Nico nodded,"Try it!" They said.
'Hey Paolo,' Johnna thought,butterflies in her stomach.
'Why are you nervous? It's obvious it works!' Paolo sweatdropped internally.
'Hey I can see you sweatdrop in your head,you know!' Johnna angrily thought.
'Ya,I did it on purpose!' Paolo remarks in  a matter-of-factly tone.
'Are you guys fighting?' Ally's childish voice was heard in both of the parents' heads.
'No,No dear. We're not fighting,' Johnna reassured Ally.
'Really?' Nico sarcastically interrupts.
'We should stop,' Mika pointed out,suddenly appearing in their thoughts.
Everyone agreed and nodded and they were back to reality.

"Hey mom,I ate dinner already while waiting for Nico," Mika informed Johnna,shrugging while doing so."I'll be upstairs."
"Yeah me too,mom. I already ate," Nico went uo the stairs."I'll be going."
Johnna and Paolo nodded,"Okay see you latet," Johnna waved Her twins goodbye as they ascended up the stairs and into their room

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