Chapter 3:Mika

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Part VI: It's hella gift time!! And we get a pet!!
As Mika and Nico went down the stairs,They Saw Ally come out of her room with messy bedhead hair.
"Mika! Nico!" Ally called out to her older siblings,in hopes to get their attention.
"Yeah?" Nico asked,turning around and wanting to know what she wanted from him.
"I have a gift!" Ally ran back inside the room to get the gift she had for them.

Mika and Nico looked at each other and smiled at how cute their little sister is.
"She's so cute!" Mika cooed.
"I know right. I want to pinch her cheeks," Nico had a kissy kissy face and pinched the air,pretending that it was his little sister.
Ally came out of the room holding two bracelets. One was white with black swirling designs and diamond encrusted sides while the other was black with white swirling design and diamond encrusted sides. In each bracelet was their names written on it.
"Happy Birthday!" Ally chirped and grinned while handing it to them.
"Wow. It looks so beautiful," Mika claimed while taking the black bracelet and putting it on.She looked up and kissed the forehead of Ally,"I love it!"
Nico took the white one and put it on,"Woah,this is awesome!"
He hugged Ally so tightly just as she did the same thing to him.

"Come on. Let's go down shall we?" Mika held Ally's left hand while Nico held her right. Together,they descended down the stairs .
When they had reached the bottom,they saw their parents sitting in the living room.
"Hey dad. Are you okay now mom?" Mika asked cautiously,incase it might trigger her again.

"Y-yeah," Johnna said weakly,slightly hiccuping and dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.
"We wanted to give you your gift," Paolo said,nudging his wife with his elbow.
"Huh?" Johnna asked,confused by his nudging."Oh yeah!" She  remembered and smiled brightly.
The event that had happened a while back,long forgotten.

She took out 2 necklaces,one a silver glitter camera, carefully detailed with all the things you could find in one and on the inside was colorful glitter to fill in the emptiness.The other one was a carefully designed miniature silver dragon with it's wings expanded wrapped around a sword,it's head resting on top of the pommel(tip of a sword)

"Woah,where did you find those?" Mika gasped in awe,mesmerized by the two necklaces.
Paolo and Johnna smiled at each of them sweetly.
"It was hand made by a friend of ours," Johnna explained,happy that her twins loved what they had given them.

"Dibs on the dragon!" Nico yelled. He had been eyeing the dragon ever since they showed it to them.
"I'll get the glitter camera then!" Mika happily agreed and got the necklace,Nico following in pursuit.
"Oh and also those necklaces transform into 2 objects to your liking," Paolo informed,wanting to let them know right away."For Mika,press the button on the top and for Nico,tap the dragon head."

Mika pressed the button and a click was heard from the camera.The camera transformed into a ghostly blue scythe.
"Woah! I love it!" She squealed and hugged it while grinning happily.

Next,Nico tapped the tiny dragon's head and it morphed into 2 twin swords, one blue one black.
"Awesome," Nico held up the two swords,nodded in approvement while a stupid giant smirk was on his face.
"Okay next choose your animal," Paolo commanded impatiently."press twice for Mika and Tap twice for Nico. Got that?"
The two nodded,thought of an animal,and pressed/tapped their necklaces.

Mika's transformed into a black and blue wolf. It had 3 tails and blue tips on each tail as well as 2 strips of blue hair on the sides of it's body and beside it were 3 more strips of blue but separated. It had blue eyes and an 'X' inside a circle with 4 triangles,2 on the top and two on the bottom.
Nico's transformed into a fiery phoenix with 4 thin tails.It's feathers seem to be made of flame and the colors consisted of yellow,orange,and red. It's eyes were a neon or light shade of green .

The two animals inclined their heads,accepting the two as their master. Mika went over to her wolf and patted it's head.
"Awww...I'll name you Midnight for your dark colors," Mika cooed and scratched behind it's ears. The wolf seem to already like Mika and it's new name as he replied to her touch by gently licking her hand and rubbing itself on her body.
"Hey,I think it like me!" Mika exclaimed happily and continued to play with her new pet.
Nico looked at his phoenix and grinned,"I'll name you Helios."
The phoenix cawed and circled around it's master before  rubbing it's head against his hand.
"It likes me!" Nico patted and responded to it's touch by rubbing it's head with his hand as well.

The twins played with their new found pets and Unbeknownst to them,Johnna took pictures of them recieving their gifts,playing with their pets,and more stolen shots.
Paolo clapped his hands a couple of times,"Ok guys,I just realised that we did not eat breakfast. And I'm hungry so..."
He rubbed his belly and licked his lips. At the same time,Ally's did a dying whale sound and she blushed in embarrassment,"Hehe...oops."

The rest of the family laughed and proceeded to go to the dining table to eat.
"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Mika and Nico waved goodbye to their parents since they were going to the village to buy some things they wanted to buy with the money given to them as birthday gifts by their relatives.
Fortunately for them,they had  a lot of rich uncles and aunties so they were given money by them(aunts n' uncles).

The twins had 900,000 ken(Made that up.) which is to say,A lot.
"It's awesome how we got so much money right?" Nico looked at Mika for signs of agreement. She nodded her head and splitted the money,"450,000 each. I splitted it."
She handed half the money to Nico and he gratefully accepted it saying," Thank you very much!"
"Are we gonna split up?" He asked,pondering wether to do so or not.
Mika rapidly nodded her head,"Uh hell yeah! Besides,you already know that we'd get bored if we wait for each other."
Nico looked at her for a moment before agreeing,"Sure. Why not?"

They reached a path where they had to split to get to their destinations and waved each other goodbye.
"Bye!" Mika yelled,waving her hand wildly in the air.
"Bye!" Nico also yelled and waved his hands wildly in the air like they were never gonna see each other again until a long time.

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