Chapter 0

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???'s POV

'What happened?' I thought before I opened my eyes, I look at my hand and saw blood 'What is this?' I said in my mind then I look up and saw a girl with a red hair "Y-Yuka? Why are you holding a dag-" she cut me off by hugging me

"I'm sorry" she said then I felt the dagger penetrate on my back "I'm really sorry"


Mecha's POV

I opened my eyes and sat on my bed, I put my hand on my forehead and said "That nightmare again" I looked out the window and saw M-Bie watering the plants while Run was playing with cats 'Its been a while since I had that nightmare and who was that girl, her name was Yuka, right?' I said in my mind. I stood up and walk towards the bathroom to take a bath

Timeskip because you don't wanna see that

I wanted to go to Hyper Dimension but it looks like I messed up last time I went there "How embarrassing, fighting with Uni infront of him like that, how childish!" I said while looking at the mirror "But she started it anyways!". 'I should go and apologize to her' I said in my mind

At Hyper Dimimension, Leanbox

I was walking around Leanbox, by myself of course! When suddenly, I saw the CPU and the CPU Candidate of Leanbox, Nanu and Azura 'That's odd, I don't see those to hang out that much, maybe they're bonding?' I thought before I walked towards them and said "Hey"

They turned around and saw me "Mecha? Hey! Its been 3 weeks since you went here! Where were you? I was really worried! I was about to vist you! Are you alright?!" Nanu asked as his hands was on my shoulder shaking me

"No, not alright because I still have my left side" I joked "Anyways, I'm good" I smiled at them

"Oh right, we got you some Grilled Cheese Sandwhich" Azura said before she gave the sandwhich to me "It might get cold so hurry up and eat it" I nodded before I took a bite

"Its so good~!" I said happily before I realized thatvthe both of them were smiling at me "W-what?"

"I'm just happy to see you again" Nanu said making me blush a bit "Let's go back to the Basilicom"

At Leanbox's Basilicom

I was in the balcony then I sighed and heard a voice behind me "You got lonely didn't you? That's why you went here" Nanu said before I looked at him

"Yeah, what can I do? Mihoka is writing story with Reona, Uzume is with Big Neps while I get to stay in my Basilicom doing work, doesn't it sound amazing?" I said sarcastically "Its gotten really boring since you left, I already lost my player one. At least, I have a player two" I looked to the direction of Planeptune as the wind blows

Nanu stayed slient then he spoke "Speaking of player one and two, want to play games? I bought a new one" I looked at him and smile

"I would love too" I said before we went inside and play video games


The first one is not that interesting anyways, see ya

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