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Present day...

I'm sleeping peacefully to our bed with my wife on my left side. While I'm enjoying my slumber, I felt my wife poking my left cheek. I just ignore it first but my wife was so stubborn, so I open my eyes slowly and look at her.

"What is it babe?" I said with a raspy tone.

She caresses and kissed my cheeks. "Baby... I'm hungry." She said shyly.

"What? But we ate pizza at dinner and you almost ate the whole box." I said. I hug her and I slowly closing my eyes.

"Baby, don't close your eyes." She put her fingers to my eyelids and opened it.

"Okay, Camz what do you want?" I open my eyes and slowly sat up on our bed.

She also sat up on our bed and hugs me at my back. "I want ice cream." She said like a baby.

"We have chocolate fudge and cookies & creams to our fridge." I said.

"But I want banana ice cream." She demanded. I turned my head to her and she gave me a puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh... I can't resist that face." I hear giggles to what I said.

I stand from our bed and I walk over to our closet and grab my hoodie. I wear it and walk back to my wife and I give her peck on the lips.

"Drive safely okay. I love you baby." She said.

"Okay madam... I love you too." I said then I kiss her forehead.

I walk downstairs and get the car key on the wooden bowl. I exited our apartment and walk to my car. Yeah we're still living on my apartment even if we're now married; we want to stay here until we have our first baby. We don't want to live in a big house that we're only two inside of it.

I headed to convenient store near to our apartment. When I arrived at the convenient store, I went outside of my car and enter the store. I walk on the ice cream section and find an ice cream banana flavored.

"Can I help you ma'am?" the boy who worked here asked me.

"Oh yeah... do you still have a banana ice cream?" I asked him.

He open widely the freezer and find the ice cream that I need. "You're lucky ma'am, we still have one." He said.

"Thanks god." I said. While I'm waiting for ice cream to have a receipt, I pulled out my phone on my pocket and checked the time. Oh it's already 2 in the morning.

I paid the ice cream and headed back to our apartment.

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