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I'm here inside the meeting hall of our company where I work. We don't have any task for today but there's a lot of meeting that I need to attend for yearly financial reports and budgets of this company for this year. My job was very exhausting but at the same time... it gives me a good amount of salary. That's why I did my best for this position, and for my little family... I will do everything just for them.

"And... that was our financial reports for the month of June." Josh said while he handles me the folder of his designated reports. I took it from his hand and I check it for the last time before I put my sign on it. "Good job Josh, you can now proceeds this reports to our marketing department." I told him while I return to him the folder of his financial reports.

"Thank you Ms. Jauregui." He said with truthful manner before he left the meeting hall. I gesture my secretary for the next financial reports and she walk towards me. "Ms. Jauregui it's already lunch break. You can have a break and we will just continue this after." Maria said. I nodded at my secretary then I get off from the seat where I sat for almost 3 hours this morning. My secretary excuse herself before she headed outside of this meeting hall. I pick up the pen that my wife gave me for almost 2 years ago and this was the best gifts that I ever received even if this was only a pen... this pen has a sentimental value for me.

I headed outside the meeting hall then I went to my own office. The workspace of my team was already vacant because it's lunch time and for sure they were enjoying some burgers, fries or something that can satisfy their craving.

I shake my head for daydreaming about food while walking through this office hallway. As I reached my office, I put my hands on the doorknob and it was unlocked. "I locked this before I headed to the meeting hall." I muttered to myself then when I open the door, it reveals my wife sitting on the couch in front of my office desk. "Babe? How long you stayed here?" I asked while I'm walking towards her. She patted the space beside her, so I sit beside my wife then I give her a peck on her so plump lips.

"I just got arrived here 10 minutes ago. Wait... I bring you some food because I know you don't still taking you lunch." Camila said while grab the bag beside her and she put all the food containers on the coffee table then she prepared my food. "Aww, thanks babe. I really appreciate this and I love you." I said then I kiss her cheek before I start to dig in my lunch.

"How about you, do you take your lunch. Let's share on this." I asked her while I offer another plate for my wife. "I already took my lunch with my mom. All of that are all for you babe." She said while touch the tip of my nose.

Every spoon full I took, I savor every bite of this food that my wife prepared for me. Why I get so lucky to have a wife like her?

"I'm so full babe... I think there's no space on my stomach for any food." I said while I'm caressing my tummy. Camila giggled and she just looks at me. "Well, you finished every food that I prepared for you... so that's why." She told me.

"Babe... I think you should go back to your meeting because lunch break was already over." My wife said as she packing up all of the food containers that I used. I groaned and let myself slumped down on the couch. "I'm still enjoying myself here with my beautiful wife." I try to get her attention and she just playfully shakes her head at me.

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