Day Eight

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Word Count 16: 350

Prompt 1: Rewrite a fairytale or mythical creature in an unexpected way.

In the books dragons were pictured as scaled demons, razing the lands with their flaming ire. There were tales of dragons who took the forms of beautiful women who ruled as Queens with glowing eyes and hair like razor wire. Supposedly they had mated with humans creating the magic race of wizards and mages of today. Countless tales of power, fury, and the fantastic come to mind at the mere sound of their name. The thing before Pen conjured none of these images. He folded his lips in, trying to fathom how what could only be described as a feathered sheep could be one of the last dragons in existence.

"I told you not to expect much." Said the voice over the phone.

"Wally, your exact words were 'Dragons are beyond your wildest expectations, forget everything you've been told because it can never measure up.'" Pen corrected, watching the red yellow thing graze on rabbit hides in the tiny pigpen. It had the color of fire in it's eyes for sure but it was the size of goat and covered in bulky curled feathers.

"Well it's not like I was wrong. Your standards are too high."

"I drove three days to get here, Wally. How is this overgrown quad-chicken going to help me with Sephra? You told me Dragon's blood grants wishes."

"It does, aren't you relieved you aren't going to be climbing the rotting scales of some giant dinosaur?"

"I can't kill this thing, it's like half my size."

"Kill it? What's wrong with you, he's historical treasure. You maniac, I can't believe you were planning to kill Talzhor. I'm sorry I even helped such a monster."

"I wonder if smug asshole blood grants wishes, because when I get back I'm going to kill you." Pen ignored the mother ushering her child away from him.

"I wouldn't put it past you, you skeevy bastard. Look just nick the thing. We only need a drop and try not to eat any children on your way back." Pen ended the call and then began to shake himself loose. "Okay Talzhor, I'm going to need you to hold still."   

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