Day Fifteen

3 0 0

Word Count 2: 200

Prompt 10: Ashen Breath

Among the crowd were surely those who wondered if this was a measure of their hubris. They watched in silence as the Colossus that towered in the center of their lands began to breathe. Legends said It would return to life and had gone unheeded as they built their cities and empires at its base. The statue's stone cracked as the torso began to subtly heave. Ashen breath burst in clouds from its mouth, raining down soot and dust. The stories told of great battles between Gods and Wizards taken place across the galaxies. A number of them had been turned to stone by the Wizard Aer with magic that had lasted long after his demise. He had warned that eventually it would be undone because magic, no matter how powerful, could never hope to tame the divine powers of the Gods. The strength of magic in the world had long since faded to a mere shadow of what was told of in ancient lore. None like Aer had walked the world in centuries, and while wizards had slowly perished the Gods had merely slumbered. The Serpent Woman known as Ruin stirred as the world looked on.  

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