Day Eleven

2 0 0

Word Count 1: 150

Prompt 19: Candied Oranges

She was no one to them. No one was in the kitchen preparing their food. No one had trimmed the hedges or scrubbed the floors. No one put their children to bed or let the dog out. No one had stayed silent through all of the horrible, wasteful things she had seen in that house. No one pulled the candied orange slices from the oven and sprinkled a fine powder atop.

There was a dinner attended by those who were important, the ones who had signed a law into effect. The law that effected No one and thousands of others like No one. The law that stole the voices, homes and choices of no one. There was cake covered with candied oranges, which no one had made, at the dinner. There was a good deal of laughter and screaming followed by silence. Police searched and searched for the monster who would poison other, but found no one.  

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