A Day with Ms. Kyoka

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The woman woke up with her shoulder feeling warm.  There was nothing on it but it was oddly warm.  Memories of her dream flooded into her head.  She looked at her shoulder and shrugged.  'Just a coincidence' she thought.  She got up and got ready for her first day at the library. She met up with Ms. Kyoka for coffee to discuss her new job and get to know each other. They ended up having an interesting conversation about authors they liked. "I just recently read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was an amazing book, definitely earning the title of a classic." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "Personally, I have taken a liking to Japanese authors. My favorite has been Osamu Dazai. The most recent book I read of his was The Setting Sun. It was a tragic and beautiful story." The woman said, talking about the author She found in my dreams. "You'll have to show me sometime." Ms. Kyoka said intrigued. "Yes, and please show me the book you mentioned as well." Ms. Kyoka laughed, "Of course."  We walked to the library together and she showed me around.  However, during all this...the warmth of my shoulder never went away.

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