The start of a new life

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I didn't have a good life I was bullied by my friends and I was brutally hit by my Dad I thought about running away or killing my self. Then one night I heard my father scream I half ran half sprinted my way down to him to see that he had been stabbed I stayed there with a mix of emotions it turned around and then karma came and a tail looking blade went through his stomach when the blade was gone from its chest it fell I've felt fear before but not at the sight I was seeing it was a drone I tried to run but then it grabbed me I was scared as I knew what was going to happen it was going to impregnate me and a chestburster would come to life and I would be dead

Two hours later

It had been two hours but it felt forever
Then we arrived the place of my death
Or so I thought as when we entered i heard voices a lot of them they were all working then one yelled quiet and they did I took a guess that the xenomorph
To say that was the queen she then said in a motherly tone we have human who is not impregnated in our hive mind by the time she said that I had worked out a lot of things such as they were speaking with each other and the queen kept them in order then the queen said child don't be afraid it won't hurt i don't know why but hearing her voice calmed me down but it was short lived as 2 minutes later I saw the impregnation area it was full of eggs there most have been 100 sets of 100
But then we turned right to my surprise it was the queen she told me that I shouldn't be connected to the hive mind so she said that I was new and were wanting to know more so a drone came in with an egg but it didn't look normal it had a bright blue tint in it the egg opened and it was a weird looking facehugger it didn't look normal or royal the queen picked up on my thoughts and said yes it's a new kind of facehugger then I jumped and things went black
Five ours later
It wasn't fun when I ‭came back to reality because I was in the hive mind I Could tell that there was a chestburster in my stomach then a praetorian ( the queens guards ) came they gave me food and water they left after filled with hunger I devoured the bread and jugged the water then I felt a sharp pain I screamed two black figures arrived they both looked like runners they grabbed me and bolted me to the queen and she said in the hive mind it's finally time
Hey so what do you think plz leave your thoughts in the comments

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