When good gets better

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Me I had a blast last night with Emily (Saving lemon for last chapter)
We left together for our spot to eat we saw Luke and Tyler waiting for us we talked and they noticed that Emily wasn't releasing her chemical scent
Luke so who's the lucky guy to be your mate
Tyler Ye who is it
Emily well he's stronger then you guys smarter and also better looking
they took a-fence at the last comment
Me anyway it's true what's she's saying
Tyler so you know who it is
Me yep
Luke so who is it
Me I believe I am the xenomorph you are looking for
Tyler and Luke very funny mark but who is it
Emily no he's being serious it is him
It took them ten minutes to try and take me I flipped both of them on there backs
Me better luck next time anyway me and Emily have to go and help the queen
Luke (winded) okay go ahead
We arrived at the queen chambers thanks to the predators our hive had a much tighter defence we used them as hosts for more predalains
Pretorian you hear to talk to the queen
Me Ye we are
Pretorian okay send them through
Queen why are you two hear        Emily we wish for our duty
Queen so you two are mates
Me yes
Queen then go and secure the outer wall and area
Emily yes my queen
We left to do our duty and on the way we talked about what we should do after I said eat and rest
Emily Ye we could
Me so you want secure and I protect or other way round
Emily you keep me covered
Me okay
We did our job no problem we found some ships and we decided to salvage them  for parts we found nothing
Emily What do you think happened
Me probably predators or another hive
Emily Can't be the ships were shoot at with bullets
Me so that means that it was of human origin
Emily Ye it dose seem that way wait I smell something
Me Ye I do prepare for combat
The first thing that happened was that I got shot in the torso it angered Emily enough for her blades to be covered in the pink tint what was her blood
Emily come out and face me
Unknown your not meant to be in this time period
Emily I said come face me
Unknown no your from a further up time period
Emily who who are you
Unknown I'm your mate from the future
Emily mark
Unknown no but please call me your mate
Me her mate is me and me alone
Unknown Are you sure Marco
Me Ye I am jackal
Jackal so you now about me
Me Ye I know what you do
Emily mark run
Me no that's what he wants
Jackal I'll take good care of her when your dead
Me I won't let you get my mate not now
He kept trying to get Emily with his strikes but I blocked or countered them all
Emily mark just run I've got this
Me I'm not leaving you to him
Jackal went in for an attack It had hit me in the chest
Jackal game over mark she's mine now
Me your right game over but not for me no it's game over for you
I made my blades come out covered in blood the impact killed him
The world was darkening and sounds were going away I only heard to voices
One was of Emily screaming my name and the other only came when I had fully blacked out
Unknown hello mark
Me hello
Unknown do you know were you are
Me no we're am I and who are you
Unknown you are at a point where you can choose and I am what the predators call the huntress
Me so you are a god
Huntress yes you could say that
Me what has happened where is Emily
Huntress she is in the mortal world and you have to choose end your suffering and be with us permanently or go back and train with us
Me I would like to go back
Huntress I thought you would say that you can go back tomorrow
Me may I spar against you
Huntress you wouldn't last ten minutes against me
Me want to make a bet
Huntress nothing that you wager could interest me
Me how about if you win I stay and leave the mortal world forever, but if I win you show me what I can really do at my top potential
Huntress say good by to the mortal world
Me you wish
I had survived the ten minutes but had gotten close to losing for instance when she hit my shoulder with a shot from her plasma caster
Me looks like I won
Huntress yes and you fought with much honour
Me thanks but I feel like I have been here before
Huntress yes you have
I was hear when I was in the coffin wasn't I
Huntress yes
Me why did you want me to stay
Huntress so then your kind could have a god
I went back to my body and told everyone that I will be back in my body in 2 years time I asked Emily if she would join me and she said yes
Emily so you saw the huntress
Me yep
Emily and you two fought
Me yep
Emily and we're going to see her
Me yep
Me you ready
Emily nope
Me to bad
two years had past me and Emily were at our ultimate power we were friends with the other gods and I had gained enough respect to be my people's god and was allowed to be in the mortal world
Drone my queen there back mark and Emily are back
Queen quickly now let us go to them
Me and Emily had kept our new forms instead of our old ones
Me owww
Queen are you okay
Emily Ye we just spared against the huntress and had got left with some bruises
Queen you fought a god
Me yep you have to fight the high council of gods when you become one
Emily it was a blast anyway how can we help the hive
Queen you can go hunting for food and then come back and explain what happened
We came back with plenty of food
Rogue runner please don't take us back
Emily mark you sort this out I will take back the food
Me gotcha
Rogue runner please don't take us back
Me what's wrong
Rogue runner our queen has gone mad and is trying to kill us all
Me okay is she a standard queen
Rogue runner no she's one of the deadliest queens on this planet
Me could you tell me were about she is
Rogue runner she's on top of the cliff side mountain
Me thank you head inside we will get your friend back up to health
Emily so what now
Me well let's give the huntress something to hunt and then head to our quarters
Emily sure

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