An un easy quesstion

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Hey guys this one is going to be a bit calmer
Me oh Ye nice work on your blades
Emily thanks
Me you said you wanted to spar
Emily Ye I do but I wonder how long it will take for them to come back
Met you want to make a bet
Emily sure what are the stakes
Me if you win you can get legs but if I win you do an hour of  heavy sparing against me
Emily deal I say 5 minutes
Me i say 15 minutes
5 minutes later
Emily looks like you lost
Me well good by legs
Emily well we should start sparing
We were there for a while improving her techniques 
When we were done it was time to eat we went to our normal spot I got us our animal
Luke there they are 
Me hey Luke hey tyler
Luke hey dude
Me What you guys been doing
Luke defending our territory
Emily from who
Tyler a new hive
Me is there anyway I can help
Queen yes you can help  defend the group that are going to see if we can end this with peace and not war
Me I will leave at once
This next part will be in the POV of Emily
Me How long is the journey there
Queen 2 days to get there and back
Me don't die on me mark
Mark I'll try not to
Mark and the group he was protecting left
Queen Emily please come to my chambers alone (in a semi serious tone )
Me yes my queen
Tyler well I'll be at your funeral
I finally arrived at the queens chambers
Queen Emily with mark gone you are the next person for champion of the sparing room do you understand
Me yes my queen
Queen you also seem confused no worried why is this
Me I fear that mark is in danger
Queen that's not all is it
Me no I have feelings for him but he has enough people who do and I believe he doesn't love me
Queen you are wrong my child do you remember when you burst free from your old body
Me no I don't why
Queen he never comes to see the new chestbursters but he came to yours he stopped a pretorian from picking you up
Me why
Queen the pretorian planned on killing you but mark intervened and asked to fight him to the death and mark won he's blades weren't normal they had his blood on them
Emily so he cares
Queen more then you know
Emily can ask you a question
Queen go ahead my child
Me I'm not from this hive am I
Queen from birth yes but not by hive
Me where am I from
Queen the future
Me what do you mean
Queen I will die I don't know when or when but when I do another xenomorph will become queen the next queen gave me your egg she told me what to do and then you came
Me thank you mother
Queen your welcome my child
It had been 2 days and there was no peace
( and now we're back to being in marks POV )
Me well that could have gone better
Queen dose this mean we are at war
Me sadly yes it dose
Queen what do you think we should do
Me from what I could see they are still building meaning that me and a group of 4 others could scout around the area and find the weakest point
Queen that isn't a bad idea who would you bring with you
Me Tyler Emily Luke and 2 drones
Queen why 2 drones
Emily one on point and one two break the outer layer
Queen how do you know that
Me we talk battle and defensive plans together
Queen okay go ahead I've told two drones to go with you
Me will you be able to protect the hive with out us
Queen with the armour that you have made yes we will be able to fight against an attack
Me understood come on guys let's go to war
Emily sure but want to wager
Me okay what's stakes 
Emily if you win you get legs back
Me and if you win
Emily (nervously)you let me fight to be your mate
Me it had only just hit me things were beginning to make sense she was the one who talked to the other queen she blushed when And was speaking nervously when I talked about
After ten minutes she said
Emily you don't hav
I interrupted her mid sentence
Me sure why not how do we win
Emily Person with most kills wins
Me then what are we waiting for
We arrived and found our weak spot
Me how many
Emily 5 u
Me looks like you falling behind I'm on 8 
after a hard fight with the queen me and Emily both stabbed the enemy queen
Emily looks like we tied looks like nether of us win
That's were your wrong how about I get my legs and you can fight to be my mate
Emily you just want your legs back don't you
Me (in a tone of defeat) Ye
Emily Okay let's go back to our hive
Me Ye but let's get food for the kitchen
We returned to the hive hive we saw some dead xenomorphs we sprinted in ready for a fight to see a elder predator
I charged at him but I got flipped
Predator is that all you've got
Me I was only a distraction
When I said those words Emily had stabbed him right in the head
we continued to head to the queen queen mark there after you
I bashed the door down and yelled let go of my queen I let my blades come out but with my blood I had found that this only happened when I was very angry
Predator there he is kill him
it didn't last long I had killed them all with out a scratch
Me Emily help the queen I'm going to search the hive for survivors and more predators
Emily got it
After many searches I had found the rest of dthe hive they were protecting the chestbursters I told the drones to help the queen I refused to eat or leave the hive for several days in case more came
When I went to my quarters to sleep I found my self at peace when I came out of my quarters after sleepingI found my self facing Emily
Emily ready to eat
Me I could eat an entire elephant
Emily i don't think you can
Me prepare to be surprised
we got to elephants worth of meat and I eat it all Emily was just stood there shocked
Me so how about that fight
Emily sure
Me I won't hold back
Emily Okay
After 2 days of none stop fighting I beat her
Me well looks like I won
Emily Ye you did
Me hey Emily
Emily Ye
Me will you be my mate
Emily are you serious
Me ye I am
Emily but I lost
Me you lasted 2 full days against me now come on let's go
Emily go where
Me to our quarter
Emily but we're in different quarters
Me no we're mates we share one so which one should we go to how about mine
Emily sure why not

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