chapter 5

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i remember on christmas eve in 6th grade, you came to my house.

we ate and we had so much fun. we wrote letters to santa but..

santa isn't real..

just like me.

i remember when we had a sleepover together, we slept holding hands and you told me i accidentally said something in my sleep. but you never told me what i said. i just shrugged it off and looked inside my stocking.

i got candy! and you got charcoal..

because that's what you deserve.

i gave you some of my candy and you thanked me.

you ran away bragging about how much candy you got, when the candy was mine. but i didn't care. why? because you were happy and that's all i cared about.

'it breaks your heart, when people you know, became people you knew. when you can walk right past someone as if they were never a huge part of your life. you used to able to talk for hours on the phone. but now you can't even look at each other in the eyes. it breaks your heart to know good things change and there is nothing you can do'

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