chapter 9

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i remember when the first time in 9th grade, i saw you with another girl. my stomach dropped.

but then i thought, "don't jump to conclusions."

because who knows, maybe you could be just planning a surprise for me and she's helping out.

but no..

that's not what happened.

i went home and called you. you didn't answer.

you later texted me, "sorry, i'm on the phone with someone else."

i didn't reply that night. you didn't talk to me the whole day but instead you talked to that girl.

she had plump lips, rosy cheeks, a fit body, flawless skin, and cute dimples. anything a guy could ask for.

but look at me.. too skinny, ugly, glasses, short, and my nose is too big for my liking.

i wish i was like her.

'don't say you miss me when i'm gone because it's probably your fault that i'm gone'

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