Chapter 2.5: Deadly Love

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[Point Of View: Foxy]

I just had woken up from a quick nap letting me note that I had been right next to Ultra but in my fox form. I must of been drunk once again. I have a serious problem but you cant judge me right?? We all have our flaws and mines is drinking. The only thing I care about is that I don't hurt my love ones. That's all I don't wanna loose.

I got up when I looked at Ultra. I expected a look of love or a happy smile but instead, I saw a look of shear terror. What made him make that look ??

[Point Of View: Ultra]

What was I seeing ?? Why was her face like that?? It was. . . deformed. It looked like she had been made to come back to life from the dead. I felt internal sadness... Knowing the one I love was now looking like a terrible monster. I started to tear up and just grabbed her.

I hugged her and just thought constantly, over and over, its a dream, its a dream, its a dream. I wouldn't let go of her until I was sure she was back to normal.

[Point Of View: Foxy]

Why was he crying and hugging me until I couldn't breath?? Is he ok?? I felt bad and whispered to him that he was okay for what ever reason he was sad. He let go of me and smiled with tears still in his eyes. He kissed me and held me and told me about what he had saw, causing his awkward reaction.

I finally knew that what I saw last night WASN'T a hallucination, but a REAL event. We hugged until I felt he was ready to be left alone and able to relax. I later left the room and let him relax. Now it was time to prepare for a bad day ahead of us.

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