Chapter 1

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Have you ever seen the show the bachelorette? Where one girl picks from many guys? Great show, really it is. However, living it... Not quite as fun. Hurts even worse when she picks all five of the other guys, guys she doesn't even know the truth about. She thinks she has them all figured out, that academy guys are outstanding citizens. Well, they aren't. At least these guys weren't. Doyle ran the background check, I saw it myself. I know their records, even the ones they tried to have expunged. I gave them a chance, I let them on the friggin' ship. Even after I tried to tell her. Maybe, she will be happy. It doesn't matter to me though, I'm done trying to win her over.

She was a raging forest fire from the start. Hell, she even shot me! I probably should have taken that as a hint. I didn't though, I thought I was smarter. I figured if I just showed her I was there no matter what, that she would choose me. I was sure with the looks and money that had never failed me, she would want me in the end.

I was wrong, that's how I ended up here. A swanky bar in Northern Charlotte. Well, my swanky bar. No one but the staff here knows that though. I'm not planning on telling anyone else either. I want to drink too much and forget about my breakup, or whatever it was. I don't think we were ever even exclusive, but in the time that I was with Kayli, she burnt my house down, blew up my yacht, totalled my car, and fucking shot me. None of that even remotely compares to what she did to my heart.

"Can I get you another drink Mr. Coaltar?" A young blonde waitress approaches me, even though I'm clearly sitting at the bar, where a bartender could take my order. She has bright blonde hair and dark bronze skin, her 'artificial' appearance shows that she spends more money on her appearance than her education. Maybe I'm a cynic. I make sure my managers hire a great deal of college students. I may be rich, but I'm not out of touch with the world and its economical problems.

"No, sugar. I'm fine. Thank you." I pull out a fifty from my wallet and just lift it up for her to take. At least she is attempting to do her job. Even if I don't want a seventh scotch.

"Thank you Mr. Coaltar. Let me know, if you need... anything." I never even make eye contact with her. She is barking up the wrong tree, flirting with me is a waste.

I turn back to the bar after a quick scan of the room. I feel a little crazy, But it's not just paranoia now that I know the academy is watching me. I had a meeting last week with some guy named Owen. I thought it was going to be about a donation to a private school, but it was The Academy. This man, who didn't even look like he was old enough to have graduated College met me for lunch. His attire and attitude were intense, but our talk was... Unnecessary, to say the least. He let me know after my experience with my ex girlfriend and her boyfriends, I was to keep quiet. Unless I wanted to pursue joining into the academy. I answered that with a big fat, no. I'm a good guy, at least I try to be. I just don't want to be part of some secret organization filled with criminals. This man didn't look like the guys I had met in The Academy. He seemed more put together, serious, slightly intimidating. His age was undeterminable, because his disposition gave him years that his appearance didn't. Neatly trimmed hair and sharply fitted clothes give me the impression he was younger than he gave off, but he had to be somewhere around my age.

The bar is a rather full,and that's good for business... but it's not like I care. I just wanted a drink, somewhere outside of my four walls. Which sadly, I guess doesn't count since I own the place to. No one is seated around me, so I haven't spoken to anyone other than to order my drink. Socializing has been low on the totem pole lately, I have barely done anything that isn't business related over the past month, Christmas isn't even on my radar. I ordered decorations a few months ago, when I thought Kayli would come around for the holidays. But now, they just sit in the foyer; I didn't even cut the tape to take a look at them. Who cares anyways, I have no one to share them with. Thanksgiving was spent in a private shooting range, working on projects I let sit on the back burner for too long. Forget the holidays, I should have packed some bags and traveled to somewhere exotic, but I stayed here. I didn't want to leave old Doyle here to smoke himself to death alone.

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