Chapter 2.

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    Bryant kicks his feet up and makes the phone call, I don't stay around to hear what he has to say. Instead, I leave the room and go out into the bar area. No one is around to make me a drink, so I go over to our liquor rack and pull my favorite bottle down. Grabbing a tumbler from the clean cup rack under the counter, I make myself a five finger pour of something dark and strong. 

No one is seated at the bar and the tenant is out serving a table of five, so I greedily take this minute alone. A big sip of my drink helps to relax me, but I'm still aggravated to my core that I'm doing this again. How have I gotten myself involved with these same people, over another girl I don't know! I slam back my drink briskly, the world lifts off of my shoulders a little. Lost in my thoughts, I watch the blonde waitress and the bar tenant visit table after table, coming and going from the bar to make and drop off drinks. No one Interupts me, which is nice for once..

After another drink, I decide to return to the management office. Making a quick stop in the bars kitchen. I grab a cold bottled water and a menu; I figure we could eat something while we wait. After so many drinks, I probably should eat too; The drive home isn't far, but I detest drunk drivers and I don't plan on being one.

The only person in our oversized kitchen is our main chef and he looks busy. The sous chef is nowhere to be found though. I consider stopping and asking where the hell he is, but I decide against it and cross through the short hall going back into the small office.

The room is quiet and I can't help but stop and lean against the door frame for a second, just long enough to really take in the sight of this poor girl.

She's so very small, her bones show through her soaking wet clothes. Her whole being seems incredibly petite when she's hugging her knees to her chest and resting her head on her kneecaps like that. I can't imagine what she has been through, but looking at her now... I'm certain there isn't a chance it's anything good.

When I give her the water, I turn the menu around in my hands so she can read it. With bright eyes, she looks up at me like I might just hold the world. Her tight posture begins to loosen, like she's less afraid than before. Almost seeming comfortable with me.

I gesture to the list of appetizers on the front and then open the menu, pointing to the entrees selection. Her smile makes me think that she understands I'm telling her to pick something she wants. After glancing down at the menu quickly, she looks back up at me with a sweet sincerity in her deep blue eye

"Hey, Bryant? How do I ask what she would like to eat?" I stay right in front of her and only break eye contact to look at him for my answer.

He's kicked back in his office chair with his feet up on the desk; playing on his phone like he doesn't have an actual job to do. I have half a mind to  send him back out on the floor to actually manage the bar staff.

"Point at her and then make two claws facing up, pull back towards you a little... then gesture a question with your eyes and hands. Did that make sense?" The ass never looks up from his phone while answering me.

"I don't know. I know zero sign language. Obviously." I do what he said to though; point at her and then try the claws... sort of. Then I kind of throw my hands up in the air and look confused.

She laughs really lightly and covers her mouth with her hands. Well, that clearly didn't work. We maintain an easy eye contact while she laughs at me... Rude. After a second or so, she sees my embarrassment and then shows me how to do it correctly. With her hands facing up she slightly cups them and pulls back a little and then just lifts her hands and moves her eye brows. Her way is much more calculated and has a grace that mine so strongly lacked... I duck my head down a little and run my hand through my hair, she knew what I was asking though, that counts for something. Right?

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