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Before we begin, I'd like to thank everyone for reading this story. Including you! I dearly hope you enjoy it, and sincerely am very thankful for you taking time out of your day to check out this story in the vast sea of Wattpad books.

This story is a work of my own creation. Any and all characters, places, and events are mine. Any similarities to real life in the past, present, or future are purely coincidental. (Well, there are some things that are the same.) Please do not copy this story. If you do, I will hunt you down and- Just don't do it, please!

Now, without further ado, let's get this show on the road!


"Every time we have to say goodbye, I'm counting down until we say hello."
Craving You, Thomas Rhett ft. Maren Morris


I punched more numbers into my calculator, then wrote them down on the paper.

"God, Haylee, you're so boring!" Skylar, my best friend, exclaimed exasperatedly. I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Who does homework on a Friday night?"

"Me," I answered, bored of our conversation. "Now please, I have to finish this proof."

"I hate geometry," Skylar groaned, and I laughed. "I can't believe you enjoy it-math in general!"

"I dunno, I just really like it!" I gushed. Math was my favorite subject, and I intended on keeping it that way.

"And proofs are just the worst!" Skylar said just to egg me on.

I didn't bother replying-it wasn't worth it. We went over this every week, and it was pointless, quite frankly.

I quickly finished my math homework and put it back in my binder, which I slid carefully into my backpack. "Done!" I exclaimed, at which Skylar perked up.

"Finally! Now we can do something fun."

I bit back a remark about how homework is fun. "So what do you want to do?" I asked instead.

"I don't know," Skylar shrugged. "You're boring anyways."

"Thanks," I replied sarcastically, adding an eye roll for emphasis.

"No problem!" she beamed. "Anyway. You are super boring. All you care about is school and homework."

"And sleep!" I added. "Speaking of which," I glanced at the clock which read 8:47.

Skylar sighed. "It's too early for sleep. What you need is a date!" she exclaimed excitedly.

My heart just about stopped at those words. "A date?" I gawked, almost choking on my own spit. "Why?"

"Because you're lonely," Skylar insisted.

"I'm not lonely!" I protested. "I have Netflix! And you!"

"Your point being?"

I sighed. As usual, she was right. I was the smart one when it came to school, but she actually had the brains-most of the time.

"Fine, maybe I'm slightly lonely," I admitted. "So, how do you think we can get someone to actually date me? The anti-social weirdo who never leaves her room except for school and food?"

"Don't be so hard on yourself! Plenty of guys would love to date you! Anyway, it's all about advertisement."

"What are you proposing?" I asked, now genuinely curious.

"I think you should try-drumroll, please-" Skylar dramatically patted her legs, "speed dating!"

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