Chapter 1

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"This is futile!" I groaned in the middle of the hallway at school. "Nobody's going to actually come!"

"Oh, hush! Don't be so pessimistic!" Skylar insisted as she taped up a poster she made. Well, calling it a poster would be generous. It was really a sheet of paper.

"Who's even going to read this?" I asked. "I never look at this board."

"Well, take this as an opportunity to do so now!"

I did. I noticed a few sign-up sheets for random clubs, and a notification about a dance coming up. Pfft, as if I'd go.

"You are so going to that dance with your new boyfriend!" Skylar squealed. It's as if she reads my mind, then says the exact opposite of what I'm thinking.

"First of all, if I get a new boyfriend," I corrected.

"You're being pessimistic again!" Skylar nagged.

"Whatever. Anyway, I'll only go to that dance if I get a boyfriend."

"Hands down, you're going to that dance!" Skylar insisted. "It's just whether or not you'll be open-minded enough to go with your boyfriend."

"If I'm open-minded enough to get a boyfriend," I corrected her again.

"You just insulted yourself," Skylar laughed.


"Whatever," I brushed it off. "Probably nobody will even show up to this dumb thing."

Boy, was I wrong!

* * *

"You need a dress."

"I have dresses," I protested.

"Correction: a nice dress; something you would wear on a date!" Skylar corrected her preceding statement.

"What date?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized she was talking about the speed date.

"Your homework is to find a gorgeous dress!" Skylar exclaimed.

"Homework?! Why do I need homework?" I exclaimed.

Skylar replied, "God, I was just trying to make you less reluctant about this. I thought I'd call it homework since you like it so much!"

"I don't like homework that much." Okay, it was a really good idea. Maybe that's why it worked so well.

"Yeah you do!" she laughed.

I sighed. "Well, can we at least go together? I'm not good at shopping."

"Of course! What are best friends for?" Skylar asked as she got up and left my bedroom.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I shouted at her as I got up from the floor.

"To the mall, silly!" Skylar yelled back while grabbing her purse in the foyer.

"Oh. Right." I follow her, grabbing mine as well, which had some money in it. Not much, mind you. But probably enough.

We walked down the street to the conveniently placed Metro station. My parents were literally obsessed with being near places, so they picked here. Now I finally understood why.

"I'm so glad you live so close to the Metro," Skylar gushed.

"Me too."

We waited for the silver train to arrive, and we set off towards the mall.

The ride was fairly long and rocky. At some point, I realized I should probably text my parents that we've left for the mall.

"This is it!" Skylar exclaimed, as if she did this often. She probably actually did do this often.

"Okay!" I said, and we exited the Metro.

The mall was huge. I couldn't remember the last time I'd gone to the mall, but I didn't think it was ever that large.

The floor was tiled. I couldn't tell if it was real marble, but it looked like it could be. There were several places to sit down, each with benches and large pots of flowers surrounding an escalator.

Each of the stores shone brightly. They all were different, but still somewhat alike. Forever 21 was the first store we visited.

Unfortunately, it was mostly casual clothes. However there were a few cute tops that I wanted, but Skylar told me to stay focused on the main goal.

We searched from store to store, each having gorgeous gowns that didn't fit me whatsoever.

On the verge of giving up, we entered a quaint store called Altar'd State. There were so many clothes and everything was in style.

"Personally, this store is my favorite!" Skylar told me with a smile. I smiled too.

Skylar found almost a dozen dresses for me. We went back to the changing area and got started.

I first tried on a lace, black dress. It was pretty, but rested around my knee cap, so it was way too long. I wasn't into long dresses, so we ruled those out as well.

The fourth dress we tried on was a peachy-pink color, which was gorgeous. "For the 'Maybe' pile!" I said, then headed back into the dressing room.

The next dress I tried on was perfect. It was a beautiful blue dress with lines going up to the collar, separated by gaps. It fell around mid-thigh, which was the perfect length.

I did a little twirl in front of the mirror before exiting to show my best friend. Skylar looked up from her phone, and instantly her jaw fell open.

"You look hot," she gaped. I showed her the back, and blew a kiss over my shoulder. I added a wink just for fun. Skylar laughed at my silliness. "Seriously, this is the one!" she insisted.

"I know, it's perfect!" I gushed. It really was perfect.

"Not a single boy there will be able to resist you."

"C'mon, let's go buy it!" I said then reentered the room.

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