Chapter 2

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I wasn't exactly positive how, but by Friday night, I was trembling with excitement for the feat that lay ahead.

"Get your dress on! I want to see that sexy body of yours!"

I laughed at Skylar's odd remark. She was the best best friend I could have ever asked for. I had no clue how she ended up with me.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and into the blue dress. Skylar clapped with excitement as I twirled around in front of her.

"You look sooo good!" she complimented, and I blushed.

"Thanks. Did you bring the makeup?" I asked.

"Of course!" Skylar reached for her backpack and pulled out a small case. It turned out it wasn't all that small. When she dumped it out, dozens of pencils and brushes were strewn across the floor, mixed with many palettes of eyeshadow and blush.

"So, what do you recommend?" I asked. I had basically no experience with makeup, so I was relying on my bestie in this situation.

"I recommend something light to go with the dark tones of the dress."

Makes sense, I thought with a smile.

"And we're not going to put too much blush on you, because your undertones take care of that for you!"

I felt a slight heat rush into my cheeks. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"My point exactly," she said with a grin, pointing to my cheeks. "Anyway, I've got some mascara and a light layer of eyeliner will be good. It'll really help your gray eyes pop!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked, noting that it was a little after four o'clock.

Skylar's grin widened, and she lunged for the makeup.

* * *

I awkwardly played with the hem of my dress. It was almost seven, which was when the speed-dating session was scheduled to begin.

I began to regret eating Taco Bell immediately prior to coming to Skylar's house. My stomach twisted with anticipation, giving me the urge to vomit on the spot.

"I think I might puke," I mumbled, looking outside to see many cars lined up in the driveway and down the street.

"Well, don't, it'll ruin your dress." I laughed dryly at Skylar's comment.

People began to open car doors and walk up to the door. "Oh, God, they're coming!" I exclaimed. "How did so many people come?"

"They used their car?" Skylar replied sarcastically. "But seriously, I'm Skylar-freaking-Jones, everyone loves me!"

"True," I said with a smile. Skylar's hilarity helped me calm down a bit. I sat down on her leather couch which was situated under a long window.

Skylar exited her house through the front door, and started talking to the boys outside. I couldn't really make out what she was saying, but I assumed that she was telling them to wait and how long they had to talk to me.

A minute or two later, Skylar came back inside with a boy following her. He had a cocky grin on his face, his shoulders were laid back, and he swiveled his hips as an attempt to look sexy.

Great, I thought.

"Hi, gorgeous," he greeted me. I desperately tried to suppress a gag. "My name's Aidan."

"Hello, Aidan." I tried to look as comfortable as possible. I crossed my legs, then realized he was looking down there and immediately uncrossed them. "So, what do you like to do?"

"I like to look at beautiful girls, like you," he flirted. I tried my best to not groan. It was extremely difficult. Nonetheless, I blushed. At that, he smiled confidently. "I enjoy watching Netflix and chilling."

That's code for you-know-what, right? I wondered to myself.

"And I really like dates," he said. A few seconds passed before an alarm went off.

He stood up, waved, then exited the house. I exhaled quite loudly.

"I take that as a no?" Skylar asked.

"Definitely not." I started to chuckle. "That was literally the worst thing ever."

"Yeah, you didn't ask any of the right questions!" Skylar shouted in disbelief.

"Well, what kinds of questions should I ask?"

"Ask something sexy, and personal!"

"God, Skylar, you know I'm not good at that!" I rolled my eyes.

"I know, that's why you need to get more confidence, girl!"

I took a deep breath. "All right. Confident Haylee, here I come!"

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