chapter 11 : Thankful

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( he sob) as he got his head closer to hers. Please dont leave me i beg you...That when wally brought everyone.

Sorry we didn't come sooner said jo and he saw wally tired.

That when cisco saw his two best friends on the floor. One was crying none stop and the other wasn't moving at all. As he saw barry hugging her and rocking himself to clam himself.

what happen to cisco said while he couldn't finishing saying what he was about to say

She lost to much blood while giving birth that she couldn't hold on any longer said iris trying to control herself to not drop the baby on her arms.

As everyone got tears up 

caitlin...caitlin...wake up now. YOu can do his to us please come back to us. You family and friends are here and your baby needs her mommy so wake up as cisco yelled as he started crying none stop. You have to wake up your my best friend in he turn around trying not to see her.

As jo and wally walked to iris who was also crying while trying to hold on to the baby. As julian came to her and got the baby of her hands so she could hug jo and wally.

Cait...please..I love you and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it was you all this time beside me. You have to wake up. We havent even started yet and we have this beautiful baby waiting for you. I cant do this without you. You mean everything you my whole world and I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry savitar did this to you and i couldn't get to you sooner as he whisper to her as his tears fell down on her face. you to she smiled at him he yelled happy seeing her

Savitar didn't hurt me ..He brought me here as everyone was shock by what she was saying. Why is everyone crying said caitlin in a weak voice

Are you sure didn't hurt you as he saw her nodding. We thought we lost yousaid barry as he hug her tightly and kiss her all over her face.

I should faint more often then said caitlin laughing. Ah..did i lose her.Did she make it said caitlin worried

she fine you both survived said barry as julian came and gave the baby to her.

She so beautiful cait..Just like you said barry smiling like a weird person in love.

what her name caitlin said cicso as he saw barry carry her to the table bed. As he came and her. Dont you ever do that again. You scared me. Your my best friend you got that as he hug her tightly.

Nora Allen after barry mom if that okay with you barry said caitlin

I'm sorry I didn't mean to scared all of you. And iris thank you for helping me said caitlin

It'd nothing really you did all the work. I just want to thank you for trusting me even though what we been though said iris

 No need to thank me. I know we haven't been close but it doesn't matter when it come to family and this is the only family I have now said caitlin in a weak voice

Well we are glad your okay said julian as he look at her with sad/happy eyes.

Hey cisco what did you mean about caitlin being you best friends. I thought i was your best friend said barry jealous/playful

Oh..that well you both are but she is the girl version of my best friend and your the guy version if you understand what I am saying getting nervous.

Cisco i get it but I'm still first right said barry teasing him

Yeah..right bro..caitlin i love you your always number one as he whispered as ran away

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