Chapter 7

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I use the last bit of energy I had left to open my eyes. But for some reason they weren't focus on the man that was holding me but on the man that was standing in the shadows watching me. The shadow man slowly lifted his right hand up, holding his pointer finger against his lip. As if to tell me to kept quiet then disappearing.

I didn't have much time to think about what just happened because my eyes soon became to heavy to keep open.


Troy POV

She moved with so much grace that it almost look like a dance as she took down my men.

"What the hell are you people?!!" My mate yell at my warriors.

"We should be asking you the same thing?" Ben one of my top warriors said while stepping forward, towards my mate eyeing her. I wanted nothing more then to make him bow to his future Luna but I wanted to see what she would do in this solution as a human.

soon dark powerful energy started rolling off my mate in waves. "What the Fuck?" I thought to myself. How can she have have so much energy coming off of her and dark energy.

I signal one of my warriors Sam who waiting in a near by tree with a tranquilizer gun, that can take down a full grown alpha a 5 second flat.

My mate back was facing him, this should be over quick.

He shot the tranquilizer at my mate.

The gun made not sound, when Sam shot the tranquilizer towards her back. That didn't stop her from moving fast as light and catching it with only two fingers. Sam shot again, she court that one too.

She was now facing me, when she looked up her eyes looked went straight to me. The dark energy that was once surrounding was gone. Her eyes scanned over my body.

Her eyes reminded me of a pure gold coin, They where beautiful.

She was to busy looking at me to notice Sam had shot the tranquilizer in her back. Minutes has pass and she still haven't went down. She just stood there looking at me.

After 2 more minutes went pass I can tell the tranquilizer was finally started to have a affect on her, but she still didn't break eye contect as she fell to the ground.

I moved at supernatural speed and court her before she hit the ground.

She opened her eyes but she wasn't looking at me, she looking at something behind me but when I turned to look nothing was there. I turned back to look at her but she was already asleep.


Kate POV

I woke up laying in someone's bed. The room was a dark color, this must be a mans room. "They tranquil me" I snare

I started to come up with a plan to escape. When I heard light foot steps that a human would not have heard coming my way. I quickly laid back down, controlling my heart rate to even out. Just as the room door open.

Muilt foot steps walked into the door. Maybe two or three people just entered the room. "What do you think she is Alpha?" a young mans voice said. Alpha? I thought. What kind of shit are they into?.

"Don't know but I know she's powerful" A sexy deeper voice I'm guessing is the so called Alpha said with what sound like pride.

"Let's not forget the dark energy, that was coming off of her. It was enough to take down the whole pack!" the third male voice out loudly.

"Shut up, before you awake her" the deep sexy voice hissed

"Don't worry she's going to be out at lease a day or two" the male who spoken first said. Well he's wrong, I guess the tranquilizer not as strong as they thought.



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