Chaper 8

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Muilt foot steps walked into the door. Maybe two or three people just entered the room. "What do you think she is Alpha?" a young mans voice said. Alpha? I thought. What kind of shit are they into?.

"Don't know but I know she's powerful" A sexy deeper voice I'm guessing is the so called Alpha said with what sound like pride.

"Let's not forget the dark energy, that was coming off of her. It was another to take down the whole pack!" the third male voice out loudly.

"Shut up, before you awake her" the deep sexy voice hissed

"Don't worry she's going to be out at lease a day or two" the male who spoken first said. Well he's wrong, I guess the tranquilizer not as strong as they thought.


Josh POV

"Where can she be?, it's been two days and there's been no sighs of Kate" I asked myself. My parents have been doing everything in they're power to try and find her. They have been worried sick.

We have followed her scent to the woods, and all we had found was her blood and her rip shirt but after that her her scent just disappears. We're afraid rogues might have taken her.

I sat down on my bed with my head in my hands, when my door was slammed open.

Standing at the door was Samuel and Jack, with worry looks on there faces.

"It's not healthy to sit in your room all day blaming yourself for something you could not control" Samuel said as he took a seat to my left.

"But it is my fault if I would had stayed and waited outside with her, she would still be here right now" I argued

"It's not you fault, and who knows she's probably on her way back here. she's pretty strong for a human, you seen how fast she put us on our asses" Jack said with a soft smile taking a seat on my right side.

"Yah she is strong, maybe a little to strong to just be a human" I said thoughtfully.

Kate POV

Once the men left the room I shot up out of the bed. Its time to get out of here. Misty growls with a agreement. "Be careful Kate, these people are not normal. I can feel it" she warns me.

"What are they?" I asked

"I don't know, I just know what we are" Misty stated before disappearing to the head of my mind like she knew the next question I was going to ask. But i'll let it slid for now.

I took a deep breath, sucking in as much air my nose can take picking up ever smell.

I notice that there was a strong smell of pinecone and.... that's weird. I took another deep breath to make sure that I'm right and I was.

It was the smell of wet dog in every ones scent that have been in this house and room, but then I smelled a scent that stood out the most. It smelled of strawberries and raspberries. The scent was addictive.

"Follow the scent" Misty purrs

It was like my feet had a mind of they're own, as they started walking towards the door to where the scent was leading.

Once my hand reached the nob on the door I was knock out of my trans. I quickly snatched my hand away.

I need to focus on how to get out of here.

"But it smells so good Kate" Misty whines

"Curiosity killed the cat and I will not be that cat" I told her.

"But we're not cats" she argues back.

"Your right we're angels" I nod my head

"Not even that" she mumbles

"Wait what do you mean. We're not angels?" I asked

"Nope we're neutral" Misty says

"What does that even mean?" I said in a panic

"We're to evil to be an angel but to good and pure to not be an angel. We're at the broader line of being evil and good, we're half and half. Half evil and half good meaning we're nether of the one which is called neutral" she explains.

"Do you know my real parents? I asked

"I don't know who they are but I do know what she was and what he is."

"What are they? Are they Alive? Why did they give me up? Did they not want me?" I had more questions but Misty cut me off. "I'll explain everything to you later but If you want to get out of here, then we have to go Now" she demanded just as I heard foot steps coming towards the door.



I Thought I Was HumanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ