Chapter 2: ===> Set plan into action

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===> Be Calliope.

     You are now Calliope. You are a cherub who loves to write fanfiction and ship people. You also enjoy animating movies for your friend-coworkers Karkat and John.

     You and Roxy finished up with the auditions and we're turning off the lights and getting ready to leave.

     "This is gonna be so much fun, Callie!" your blonde best friend said cheerfully. You smiled and agreed.

     "I am quite sure it will, Roxy. I never understood the purpose of them, but they are enjoyable nevertheless." You switched off the lamp on your desk and pulled out a set of keys from your pocket.

     "Oh, yeah. Cherubs don't really have birthdays, huh?" She looked at you with her odd pink eyes and raised an eyebrow. You never understood why the Striders and Lalondes had such unusual eye colors since they were humans.

     "That is true, but not until we all began living here. You, Jake and Jane had asked when I was born- er, hatched, and since that day you all started throwing me these little parties on that particular day." You smiled again at your friend.

     "Well of course, Callie! What are friends for?" She gave you a quick side hug and shut off her lamp. When the two of you finished, you both set off to the super secret party place for John's birthday party.

===> Tune into what John and Karkat are up to.

     Getting sick of reading first person yet again, you force the author to switch to the not-yet couple.

     It was 5:35 PM, and John and Karkat had been watching movies and snacking for the past five and a half hours. The lights were off, the TV being the room's only source of light. John was cuddled up on his bed, fluffy blue comforter snuggling him. The black haired male was munching on a non-specific name brand brownie. His eyes were glued to the TV.

     Karkat was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the bed. He had a grey knitted blanket covering his legs and was drinking a half liter of Pepsi. He was mostly focused on the TV, casually glancing over at John every now and then.

     They were watching a human rom-com called "Kissing Jessica Stein", which Karkat found to be really good for something filmed by humans. John was reluctant on the idea at first, but he was now more engulfed into the movie than the mutant blooded troll is with any movie whatsoever.

     After a few moments, Karkat stood up and stretched. " WHAT TIME IS IT?" he asked with a stifled yawn.

     John checked the clock that was set on his nightstand. "Um, 5:36. Why do you ask?"

     Karkat turned on the lights in the room, grabbed the DVD player remote, and pressed pause. "YOU, MY FRIEND, HAVE A PARTY TO BE HEADING OFF TO."

     John's eyes lit up and he got off his bed, stretching out any stiff muscles. "Where's the party this time?"

     "I CAN'T TELL YOU THAR, DUMBASS. IT WOULD RUIN THE SUPRISE." Karkat pulled out a blindfold from his back pocket. "NOW TAKE OFF YOUR GLASSES."

     John noticed the blindfold and raised an eyebrow. Then he gave a devious smirk. "Geez, Karkat. I never knew you were into that sort of thing." He busted out laughing a few moments after as Karkat's face became as red as a cherry.

     "I SWEAR TO GOD, EGBERT! FOR CLAIMING TO NOT BE A HOMOSEXUAL, YOU SURE CAN FUCKING FLIRT LIKE ONE AT TIMES!" John's laughter subsided a bit and he took off his glasses. Karkat grumbled little complaints as he set the blindfold. "WAIT A MOMENT." He went over to the window in John's room and opened it all the way. A cool evening breeze went in the room. He smiled a bit at how nice it felt outside. Quickly returning to a straight face, the troll then went back to John and grabbed a hold of the human's wrist. "WE'LL BE FLYING THERE, SO I SUGGEST YOU WATCH YOUR HEAD WHEN WE EXIT." John nodded and gently began to float off the ground. Karkat did so as well, even though he didn't understand why, in God Tier, he could fly despite not having wings. It was probably because of his blood color or something.

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