If you could say anything on the surface

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President: MONSTERS SHOULDN'T BELONG HERE! IT IS FRISK'S FAULT THEY'RE HERE! They fought you so why did you help them?!

Frisk: they said they would give me chocolate.

Humans: (those sweat things that are shaped like teardrops in anime appear on all the humans heads.)

Random human: the like of YOU shouldn't belong here!

Frisk: I am human. Which means YOU don't belong here too.

Random human: no I meant the monster huggers!

Frisk: yeah. You don't belong here too cause you hug your mom.

Other monster lovers: BURRNNNN

Randon dude: wait what?! My mom is not a monster!

Frisk: but you were born.

Other monster lovers: ooooohhhhh!

FANDOM ON CRACK!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant