Chapter ~ 10

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[ 1 day before summer vacation time skip ]

I'm gonna do a quick time skip since I'm too lazy to write so much to get to the point + if I did write all the chapter up to this one it will just end up being a bunch of unnecessary fillers and nobody wanna read boring fillers

Okay let's continue

It was the day before Summer vacation school had just ended and after saying our goodbyes to our teachers and friends and wished them a good summer

Mira, Jimin & I met up after school at the cafe near the school we all ordered different kind of drinks I got a strawberry milkshake while the others got coffee and tea

We were talking about what we where doing in our vacation or what our plans where

Mira: so what are you guys up to this summer?

Me: well I haven't actually planned anything at all so maybe just stare at the ceiling inside my room

Jimin: mmm I'm not doing anything either actually

Mira: same here.....sigh

Jimin: mm why don't we do something together

Me: what do you have in mind

Jimin: well my family have a summerhouse in Busan right besides the beach we could crashed there for some weeks and have fun

Mira: really? Awesome!!

Me: well it sounds better than being at home but how are we going to Busan

Jimin: don't worry I figure out our trip and then texts you guys the plan

Mira : okay! But......

Jimin: but what?

Mira: it's just....sigh

Me: what is it Mira ( I started to get worried what was wrong )

Mira: can't we invite someone along or else I would probably just end up being the third wheel because of you two lovebirds

( she looked at us smiling and giving a cheeky wink)

I didn't answer her but just groaned and slammed my head down on the table because I just gave again up on my best friend for the 100th time this week

Jimin of course as always just laughed that made me smile even though I tried to hide it

Jimin: okay I have a friend called Minkyu who actually lives in Busan

Mira: yay! Mishi isn't it just going to be fun ?

Me: yea can't wait to get tortured with you and your lovebirds references ....yea so fun

Jimin: aww come on Mishi up with the mood it's gonna be fun

Jimin gave me a huge smile while patting my back I looked up at him and smiled too since I couldn't resist it anymore he was too damn cute to not be smiling right now

Mira: lovebirds ~ ❤️

I looked away from Jimin and began glaring at Mira who was just smiling like crazy looking really happy I think she's enjoying my miserable pain what a great friend I have

Jimin: well I go call Minkyu be back in a minute

Me and Mira both decided that it would might be a good idea to ask permission from our parents to go to a trip to Busan and tbh we where both really surprised how easy it was

Like I know from my dad's point of view he's just glad I'm not spending all summer inside of my room like I normally do ( hehhe ups )

After I ended the call with my dad I gave Mira thumps up telling her I was going she returned it which meant she was going too of course

We began talking while waiting for Jimin to finish the call which ended up with us sitting there in 30 minutes before I came and joined us again

Me: I don't know what kind of planet you are from but that was decently not a minutes ( I smiled at him )

Jimin: sorry we began talking about random things and stuff he gave me a shy smile

Mira: he joining us?

Jimin: yea he would love to come join us

Mira: yay! I'm not gonna be the third wheel

I simply just ignored her because if I questioned anything I knew she would mention lovebirds again

As we now all was here we began planning our trip to Busan we planned when and where we should me and Jimin promised to buy our tickets to our flight

We then parted our ways to get ready for the trip since we where already going in 4 days

The days went fast and before I knew it the day we where going to Busan I've already packed my stuff in some bags that I needed for the trip and as far as I know we where flying at 16:00 pm

Our hole trip would take 2 hours on hour from Seoul to Busan
and one hour from the airport to the summerhouse

Everything was pretty well planned thanks to Jimin and his skills

I was actually pretty excited for this trip maybe because I'm normally not going on trips with my family like others but of course with a dad like me it's hard to go on vacation when every minute there can happen something secret he needs to attend to

But I was excited to hang out with my friends and also meet Minkyu
Time went by fast and now it was time to go and say my goodbyes to my dad & Mijoo

Sorry for a little shorter chapter than normal I just really wanted to update because is my birthday today


Thanks for reading this fanfiction I appreciate it very much ❤️

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