Chapter ~ 17

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" w....what..."

This can't be true he's lying why would my dad not tell me the truth in all these years
No he must be lying he isn't someone to be trusted
I can't fall into his trap......

" I killed your mother"

" YOUR LYING!!! My mom died in an accident "

I couldn't keep myself from yelling at him I hate it
I hate when he say that
I don't want to believe him

" no she didn't your dad only told you that because he didn't wanted you to know your mom was murdered right in front of him " he grinned like all of this was a joke to him "

I looked up at Jimin for the first time since all of this happen he looked at his dad just as shocked as me he couldn't believe it either what was happening

His eyes soon met mine looking confused and sad at the same time

Jimin's eyes soon became blank and teary while watching me and my miserable being right in front of him

but why would he cry he doesn't care about me if he did then he would never have brought me here to begin with

I shifted my gaze over to his dad again

" tell me what happen that day 10 years ago I believe you still remember it clearly since you seem so proud of it "

My voice was cold towards him as I just wanted to know the truth now if you can call it that I want to watch him in the eyes while telling me the story
The eyes of people says a lot
For me the eyes are the easiest way to see if people are lying

10 years ago both of your parents were tracking me down
Back then I wasn't as intelligent as I am now I was a new beginner who made a lot of mistakes which almost got me captured

" this guy really know how to bust his own ego seriously "

your mom was also a spy like you and your dad
When they surrounded me almost captured me they lost their Focus as I didn't have anything visible on me that I could defend myself with

But that was a big mistake as I got a hold of your mother so she couldn't escape and neither could I get shot by your father who was holding a gun towards me

I took your mothers gun away from her so she couldn't kill me either
Your dad didn't dare to move because he was weak he followed my orders to let your mother live he even threw away his gun to protect her but by doing that he put them both in a worse position than before

" I never thought my dad would ever do something like that he isn't someone to lose focus and do things like that but I can't do anything else but believe him "

Tbh I didn't care if your parents would die or not because all I wanted right there was to escape from my future life in jail

" well then it's a brilliant idea to keep me hostage here he may be a criminal and all but smart isn't he "

Without hesitation I knocked your dad down so he couldn't stand anymore your mom was screaming at me begging me to stop as all of her energy just left her body seeing me putting your dad in that condition with blood all over his face

I got annoyed by your mothers screaming and crying your dads name like a crazy woman she was but first I just walked away wanted to leave as fast as I could but of course she wouldn't let me go

She grab me and punch me like crazy wanted me to pay for hurting your dad they where both so weak for each other which was their own fault

" I understand them how they reacted but choosing to threw their gun away and acting that way they did is not smart even if they love each other they need to put that away even though it's hard because in the end one of them got killed......."

She got me damn mad at her tbh I couldn't care less if she died so to shut her up I took her own gun and pointed it at her

It was really funny seeing your dads scared face when he saw me pull the trigger right in front of your mom

" that's so ....."

Just to make it more exciting and funny I just continue on shooting her even when she was laying dead on the ground already

" how can someone be this....."

Seeing all the blood everywhere all of the shots on her body was a pleasing sight and your dads screams just made it even more hysterical


When I was done using all of the shots I threw the gun away and walked over and clapped your dad on the shoulder and said

" that's what happen when a bitch don't know how to shut the fuck up "

He stopped talking

he was watching me with a huge smile planting on his lips feeling satisfying when he remembered it all watching the scenes in his head again where he kills my mother

My tears was streaming down not stopping anytime soon
I could see it I can see in his eyes...he is not lying....he's telling the truth
Nobody can look like that telling a fake story

Plus he is too easy to figure out and a bad liar can somebody look this satisfying while telling a person how they killed a parent

I was mad at him.....I just wanted to kill him like he did to my mother

" you're disgusting "

I hate him for killing my mother
I hate my dad for throwing away his gun
I hate myself from letting him get to me seeing me crying making him win

I hate.....Jimin for betraying me and for making me fall in love with him
& I seriously hate myself for not stop loving him

Thank you so much for 1K reads it makes me really happy to see that people are reading my fanfic and I hope it's good I'm really trying my best every time I write a new chapter to make it entertaining

Tbh writing is a little bit hard at the moment because I have so many ideas for other fanfics I will be posting in the near future

But I won't be posting them before I finish this fanfic coz I don't want to end up forgetting to be updating chapters in this fanfic

Thank you again

Caught in a lie ~ Jimin ♦︎COMPLETED♦︎Where stories live. Discover now