Chapter 8

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Hey guys im bac and living goood. I went through so much this week and decided to give u guys a break for wwaiting for so longg. My last chapter was posted yesterday, and now im posting today.

Chapter 8

When the brothers showed me into my new room. They all scurried off except ashton. Ok i guess i am gunna hang with ashton for a while.

I already put my suitcases in my new room. It was Purple and white. Purple was one of my favorite colors, but white wasn't. I guess it will have to do, considering that they are the ones who painted, redesigned and organized this for me. I should even be grateful that they let me stay in their house. Or else, i would probably be in a foster home or worse on the streets!

Yea right, not on the streets. We were pretty rich. I still have millions in my bank account and even more in my parents. I wonder what their will looks like. Probably me getting all the money or charity. Since my dad did like to give to charity but with me i say you earn it, not because your poor.

I know i know. I am a mean greedy snobby girl. Uh-huh. No. I am not. I do actually like giving money away to people who need them. My family has heard about foster homes whos owners are cruel and greedy and take the money for themselves and let the children starve. So we know who to give it to when we are donating money.

So back to my room.... It had a nice wooden floor with small round carpet with purple polkadots on it and the main color is white. The bed looked expensive. Let me check. 

I sat on the bed and brought my legs onto the bed so i could lay down. Felt sooo comfortable, so soft, that i could fall asleep right now...





I heard a huge rucus downstairs that made me jump. What are those idiot boys up to now?

The loud blasting music answered my question.........

"Hey! Whats your name sw-weet hear-t!" This random guy said and he sounded drunk. They were having a party and this guy was already drunk! Count me in.!! Hey what happened to Ashton? I guess he wasn't with me after all. I Know i saw him in here before. 

I am stupid. Reallllllllly Dumb. Nah. Not really. I get A's when i have to or when i want to. Maning that i put time in effort into assignments when effort is needed and when i actually have the time to do it!

Dumb Teachers. You think that students dont have a life?

Why do i keep getting off topic. It is time to Par-Tay!

I looked up from my bed to see the guy still satnding there. Well hello hottie. Hottie thats drunk and needs to get out so i can change!

"Excuse me drunkie, i need to change so can you please escort yourself out? Or will i have to?" I said as sweetly as possible.

"Can you escort me out? Or in?" He said waggling his eyebrows at me. EW, gross man!

I scoffed, " Get a life man and move it!" I said pushing him out my door and slamming it in his face.

Now time to go get my new party dress i got last weekend and get down with these people. I have not been to one in a week. And i sure need to get rid of the sad memories that i still had left. I have to move on nomatter what. Thats what my parents probably want me to do and i know it.

I entered my new walkin closet and put on a Pink and black dress that went knee high. It was strapless with a black ribbon on it that had a skull in the middle. To go with it i took my black pumps and i was ready to go. Before i left the room i quickly straightened my hair and applyed eyeliner, little eyeshadow, lipgloss and some mascara. Oh yea. I am soo ready.


Yo wats up, ready to get down with kiley and the new found turners. Time to partay, but that wont happen until next time. See ya!

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