Chapter 11

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Hello i am finally able to update because of getting used to school work and everything with my wifi not put up and i hate making a chapter with my ipod. Its hard and i have tried it before. Trust me, when i say things got confusing and very very hard.

Chapter 11

I woke up with a pounding headache. Ouch ouch ouch! But i still haven't opened my eyes yet. But im glad i did when i did because what i also woke up to was well.... not good, exactly.

Mrs.Turner or the mother of the boys but also my new guardian was glaring at all of the boys and not one of them said a thing.

I silently got up, hoping not to get spotted or heard because Mrs. Turner's back was turned to me. When i was halfway put of the room, Logan finally saw me. I mean all of their eyes were not even paying attention to their mom. They were spaced out. But i guess Logan wasnt.

He nudged Taylor, who quickly snapped out of it, who also saw me. Then in less than a minute. Yes, i was counting. Wait i dont even know why i was waiting! I was two steps away from the doorway! Anyway ignoring my dumbness and facing reality, all of boys now knew i was about to escape. 

Well, thats my cue.

And with that i silently sprinted out of the room and across the hall into the elevator. I probably disapeared from their eyes in less than a second. I am that good!

I was smiling to myself, until i realized my current situation. Why am i always spacing out, geez! Today was school. I have a terrible headache, which i dont know why because i dont drink....

Oh no, maybe it was the music from last night. No then it would of gone away by now... What did i do at that party after my mini concert i gave?

I have no idea what i have gotten myself into but i need to get to school, after all, i am an A+ student! When the elevator dinged signaling that it had stopped on my level or the level of the house that had my room, i ran as fast as i could.

I didnt even know what time it was. I had a goodnight sleep and wasnt groggy so i must've ovverslept because i never wake up that easily and i would never ever run in the morning.

Deep breaths Kylie, Deeeeeep breaths.

The moment i stepped inside my lovely room of purple, i checked the clock that was sitting on my bedside table thingy, 4:13 a.m.

What the Hell?

Ok i am officially going nuts. I rubbed my eyes so i can get a better look. 4:13 a.m. Ok that answers my question. How come i didnt look out the window to see if it was light outside or bright.

" Uh i dont know, because you were so busy being a physco saying im an A+ student and i need to be on time, Blah blah blah. Your a stupid retarted girl, you know that?" said my concience.

" Excuse me, I do not talk like that! And second of all i know im crazy, but physco? NO WAY!" I said replying back to him. Oh yea, my concience is a guy. Yea i would know that because he is so ' nice ' to talk to.

" Talking to yourself proves your a phyco, it also proves your mental too!" He retorted.

OK maybe he was right on that but i dont think i am still that crazy. Now i think i have had enough of talking to myself and give it a break. It is way too early to be standing up anyway.

I'll just take a nap and sleep off my extra time and headache and hope that it will go away when i do wake up for school in a couple of hours.

*yawn**** Tired...........and Sleepy. And with that i dropped in a heap on my comfortable and new bed. I wonder if school will change for me now that im living with the boys.

Wait they are new and didnt go to school yet... How did they invite so many people. People including people from my school. 

Oh no, i wonder if im going to get in trouble by Mrs.Turner. What if i have to clean up all by myself! I hate cleaning! NOOOO!!! NOT Fair.

"I thought you were going to freaking sleep, jeez your giving me a migrane." said my concience.

" Oh yea, i forgot. And how do you get a migrane, if i dont?"

"You do get a migrane too, idiot." Said concience.

"Huh what are yo- OWWWWWWWW I feel it, i feel it i feel it!!"

"Good night !" Were the last words concience said before i felt nothing there anymore.

Stupid Concience.


Helllo i have made chapter 11, and YOu have better liked this because i liked it even though nothing happened and it was short. It was kinda funny.. :) Do you agree?

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