Chapter Six

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The trees in the distance were not an illusion. I have seen them up close, and if I were a tad bit taller than Atlas, I would be able to touch the lowest branch. They are not all I have wished them to be, but I do hate to dwell on things that do not go the way I wish they would. I did that much to often when Mother left me, and I feel it is time to grow and move away from such a disaster. The bare branches of the trees offer little protection from the snow, but I do not mind.

The shade from the branches make the route ahead seem much darker, but I do not mind. Rather, it is welcome. The snow usually made the night seem lighter than it ever actually was. I feel like night is truly here. The only negative is that I cannot see where I am stepping. I suppose the fact that it is colder within the slight shade could also be considered negative, but perhaps it is merely an opinion.

"I used to think these were just an illusion," I murmur, moving my fingers to touch the snow-soaked bark. I do not know if Atlas has heard me, or if he is even around me anymore, as it is too dark to tell, and I have been listening to his breathing for guidance. The wind has grown louder and has blocked out his breathing. I feel him now though. His hand is at my back, pushing me ahead gently.

"I used to think that, too. You never can tell what's a hallucination and what isn't after being alone for so long," his words are almost calming. They're soft whispers that are nothing like the ghosts' heavy, haunting voices, or the Void's icy rasp. "Before we stop to eat, I have a question. Do you want the good or bad news first?"

"Bad," The decision took no thought. If there was good news, it could block out the bad news. Even if it didn't, it never hurt to rip the bad news off like a bandage. I suppose, that since we're in the middle of an eternal winter, with no sun, that it can't get much worse, anyways.

He guides me over to what seems like a rather large tree, but I can't exactly tell how high it is in such darkness. "Straight to the point, I see. The bad news is that this break will use up the last of our food-" his stop was abrupt. I suppose he must've somehow read the panic on my face. I never did understand how people could read others like books. I never was able to do so. "- Autumn, hey, it'll be okay. The good news is that since we're in a tree-dense area, we should be able to find more." He taps the soft skin beneath my chin. "Keep your head up, Autumn. it'll be alright."

I lift my chin and look him right into his tree bark brown eyes. I offer him the smallest of smiles that I hope is enough. "it'll be okay. I can do this- no. We can do this." His smile may have been small, but his eyes, though dark, could've lit up the sky, coaxed the sun out from hiding, and melted the snow.

I make a vow to myself to attempt to bring that smile out as much as I can. It can only be a sin to hide a smile like that from such a hopeless world. I lower myself to the snow-covered ground and lean back against the tree's stump. If we've already stopped, we might as well break. Atlas lowers himself beside me, to my left. I think. Darn directions! I move to check, making L shapes with my fingers once more, but Atlas starts talking before I can figure it out for myself.

"Left." He says. I look up at him, and I suppose he can somehow see my face in the dark, since he continues. "I'm on your left. You don't have to do your little hand trick."

I smile at him. I do not believe that anyone has taken it upon themselves to help me in my time of directional crisis. He smiles back, somehow knowing that I have smiled at him. It does not last long, though, as he turns to dig into his bag, pulling out the final container and our sketchbooks. He hands me mine, though I do not think I will be able to do much drawing or writing in such awful lighting, though I have done it in worse. I set it in my lap for now, more focused on our last tidbit of food than my artwork. He opens the lid of the can, passing it to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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