Chapter 1 - shit hits the fan

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The hush of night made Gotham a creepy place, well, more than usual. The glowing eyes watching from every alley, the hiss of street cats gave a distinct "get out". Avarice crept through the shadows, her black dress swishing slightly. She was slower than usual, the duffel bag of money dragging behind her. She heard a woosh from up in the sky and dropped the bag, eyes widening. The dark figure dropped from the sky in front of Avarice.

"What do you think you're doing?" The creature asked.

Avarice scowled. "Trying to provide for family. What are you gonna do, beat me up cause I'm poor?" She spat.

"Theft, especially on a such a grand scale, is illegal." The vigilante responded coldly. He grabbed Avarices arm and started dragging her towards the dark car parked on the corner of the street.

"What about the money?!" Avarice sputtered. "Are you just gonna leave it there?" She squirmed in his grip.

"The police are already on their way." The vigilante responded.

"Well where are you taking me?" Avarice asked rudely, pulling at his arm.

"Home, Helena."

Avarice's face went pale.


"How could you embarrass me like that, Helena? I thought you were done with this shit!" Cordelia Doll screamed at her daughter.

"I'm just trying to help, Mom! I know we're poor!" Helena screamed back.

"If you think being poor is a good reason to steal then I'm admitting you to Arkham first thing in the morning."

"Wait Mom, no!"

"Go to your room, Helena."


"We're happy to help your girl, Mrs.Doll. I know things have been rough for your family." Dr Leland shook hands with Cordelia, looking over Helena carefully.

"Will our insurance cover this?" Helena blurted.

Cordelia glared daggers into her child. Dr Leland smiled gently.

"Well don't you worry about that Helena. We're going you better, okay?" She reassured Helena.

Helena glanced in between the two figures. "Okay..." she mumbled.

"Here are the boys now!" Dr Leland chirped.

Two burly looking escorts grabbed ahold of Helena and handcuffed her. Helenas eyes darted from her mother to the doctor.

"Just a precaution." Dr Leland reassured. Cordelia looked like she was having second thoughts. The guards took Helena down to the bathroom and uncuffed her as one of them handed her a uniform.

"Get dressed and head down to Dr Drews office for a psych evaluation." The taller guard said.

"But what about my clothes?" Helena asked.

"Don't worry, they'll be safe. They're going into a bag, in a safe room until you're better." The shorter guard responded.

And so the guards waited outside while Helena stripped down and put on the blue uniform, which was slightly too big and hung off her awkwardly. Finally, she exited the room and the taller guard pointed her towards Dr Drews room.

Helena trudged down the walls, eyes locked on the plain office door. She grabbed ahold of the door handle and it was like ice in her hand. She yanked it open. Inside was a blonde woman with huge blue eyes and across from her, a slender man with a scruffy, yet kind face.

"Oh, you must be Helena. You're a little early. I was just finishing up with Harley here." His voice was like melted butter, and Helena flushed. She quickly scowled at the blonde, who stared back at her with perplexed amusement.

"My name is Avarice." Helena said, not taking her eyes off Harley. Harley's face broke into a grin, showing two rows of perfect teeth.

"Well, I suppose you're dismissed, Harley. But remember what we talked about." Dr Drew said. Harley broke the stare between the two of them to smile at Dr Drew.

"Sure thing, Doc. Bye!" Harley shrilled. Helena grimaced at her strong accent. Harley blew a kiss at Helena on her way out. Helena stared at the door she left through in a dumbfounded state.

"Please, sit down...Avarice." Dr Drew directed. And she did.

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