Chapter 7 - anticipaton

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Helena started off down the street, letting the anger will her feet to action. Where would she go? It didn't really matter. She just had to go. Stepping harshly on bits of broken concrete, Helena lost her footing, only to have a strong arm grab her. She looked up to level with a gun, steadily pointed between her eyes.

"Give me whatever you've got on you," the man said gruffly.

Helena scoffed and pulled away roughly.

"Look at me, dipshit. Do I look like I have anything on me?"

The man cocked the gun and Helena tensed, her eyes closing tightly as she prepared herself for the shot. But it didn't hit her. Helena opened her eyes as the man sputtered. In her peripheral vision, she saw Johnathans smoking gun cock again. He fired once more, sending the man flying across the pavement.

"Worthless pond scum," snarled Johnathan.

He holstered the gun. Helena rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

"I don't need your help,"

The wind ripped itself from her lungs as Johnathan slammed her against the brick wall of the complex. The smoking gun found its way into his hand once more and he pressed it uncomfortably against the curve of Helenas jaw.

"What about now?" He said darkly.

"Stop fucking around," Helena swatted the gun away from her face.

Johnathan grasped her thin wrists in one hand pinned her arms roughly above her head. His other hand pressed the barrel of the smoking gun into the fabric covering her stomach.

"Why do you keep putting yourself in harms way?" His voice was thick with rage.

"Life is inconsequential if you're a fucking mistake," Helena spat.

Johnathan released her, holstering his gun once more as she rubbed her sore wrists. She grunted as he pulled her into a hug, her cheek resting on his angular chest, arms pressed against her sides. She struggled against him, eventually breaking his hold. Tears threatened her eyes as she clenched her fists.

"I don't need your pity, and frankly, I don't want it either. I'm not—"

"I don't pity you," Johnathan interrupted coolly. "I understand you,"

"How do you possibly think you can understand me? You barely know me!"

"You think you deserve this,"

Helena froze.

"You think you deserve to be treated the way you've been treated," Johnathan continued. "You don't. You're not a mistake. You deserve to be loved, gently and without consequence."

The tears she had fought against allowed themselves to be free of her eyes, and rolled down her reddened cheeks in big rivulets.

Johnathan reached for her, and she let him pull her into his chest once more.

"Please stop pushing me away. I want to take care of you,"

Helena hiccuped as her lips cracked into a bitter smile. "It's unrewarding work,"

"I'm willing to do it," Johnathan soothed. "You deserve to be be treated kindly, patiently. Let me treat you with the compassion you deserve,"

"I can try," croaked Helena. "But it hurts so bad."

It felt as though an egg were trying to hatch in her chest, closing off her throat as her chest expanded. She clutched at Johnathans shirt as the sobs violently escaped her.

"I know, darling."


They walked back to the warehouse in silence, arms brushing one another as they walked in tandem. Upon entry, Helena collapsed on the cot as Johnathan knelt beside it.

"Tired?" He asked as he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

Her dark eyes fluttered, casting a shadow on the already deep crescent moons stamped underneath. She nodded. Johnathan brushed her cheek with long fingers.

"Sleep, then,"

Helenas eyes closed desisively as a contented sigh escaped her lips. Johnathan gave a small smile as his heart rate picked up. He leaned close to her face and placed tiny feathery kisses on the spray of freckles and roseaca across her nose and cheeks.

"I adore you," he whispered. "You are so special. You're doing so beautifully, considering all you've been through."

Helena gave a faint smile as she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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