Chapter 3- Fear

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Chapter 3- Fear

I sat alone at home, hiding in the back of my closet. After whatr happened to Bella, I was scared out of my mind for a few reasons. The first was that the mad man would come back for me, the other was that Blade would come to kill me.

She tried to hide it, but I could see through her lies. She blamed me, and I knew that after she killed me, she ould go look for the man madn who she knew actually killed Bella.

I heard footsetps in the hall and my eyes widened. I didn't know who it was, for all I knew, it could be one of my two future murderes, but I couldn't be sure. I wasn't coming out of this closet until my mom and dad dragged me out, and even now after Bella's death, I sometimes questioned if they weren't murders dressed as my parents.

There was a word for what I was, and that was paranoid. I couldn't be alone or with anyone for that matter without thinking I might die.

I always wish it had been me and not Bella. Bella had people she needed to live for, she had a life ahead of her. I only a month or two before my parentswould kick me out inot the real world, and I would die for sure then.

The door opened and I froze. This was it, this was the end. 

"Reala? Where are you?" My mother's voice asked. I sighhed in relief and climbed out of the closet. "We shouldn't be leaving you here alone, should we?" She asked.

"Not the best idea, but I'm fine." I lied, but I had always been a terrible liar and my mother saw right through the lie. She knew I was scared out of my mind.

"Well, next time you can come with us if you'd like. Maybe you could try talking to Blade. She's taking this pretty hard." My mother said and I nodded. I knew this head to be ard for Blade, but I was too afraid she's kill me if I tried to talk to her.

I was now living my life in fear, waiting for some monster to come and kill me, and I didn't know when that would be.

[Author's note]

So, that's chapter three and I know it's short and it sucks but the next chapter should be better. I won't promise it will be because maybe it will suck too, depending on when I write it. My best wrok is written at night, and all the shitty chapters you get tired of reading are written during the day. It's weird and makes no sense but that's how it works for me i guess.

Chapter 4 might be up later today/tonight!! You might even get a third update, depends on how much time I have to write.

I'll be posting a few chapters for Bella's Blade too!

Picture of Raela to the side! 



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