Chapter 6~ The Mansion

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 (It's short, but it's posted. The next chapter will be better and I'll be updating Bella's Blase today too. I'm sick so i have nothing better to do than sit around on wattpad. You'll get maybe five updates at least today. Also, if you go to my profile, between my about me and right under where it says my name and all that shiz, there's a little house button. It will take you to my quotev, which will have a book I haven't published here yet. It's like a little sneak peak and it goes with Blood Stains which will sadly only be, like, ten chapters long. Yeah, I know, it's sad, but I myself am not a huge fan of Blood Stains, I like Behind the Blue Mask a lot better. Speaking of which, I will be olding a contest if you want to make a new cover for it because mine sucks. Entries need to be in by April 1st! I think that's about it for my very long and boring author's note that most of you have skipped, so, bye!)

Chapter 6- The Mansion

"And last but not least, Jeff." E.J said and my smile faded as I stared into the eyes my sister's murderer. Thats where the name was from. Jeff just smiled evily and chckled. "What's so funny?" E.J asked.

"Nothing." Jeff chuckled, pulling his knife out and stepping closer to me until he had me pinned against a wall.  Everyone just watched. "When E.J. said he was bringing a guest, I didn't expect it to be you." He said, pressing the blade lightly against my chin jaw and trailing it down to my chin before smiling his eveil smile.

But for once, I wasn't scared. 

I pushed him back away from me, grabbing a knife from the shelf by me-there were knifes everywhere you looked, but what did you expect in a house full of murderers. I smiled evily at him, then said "Sweet Dreams." Then, I stabbed his shoulder, like he had done to me. I didn't actually plan on killing him, but I wanted to.

"What the hell was that for?" Ben asked as Jane smiled happily and L.J laughed. For some reason, E.J waited to introduce me to Jeff until i had met everyone else.

"He killed my sister, he deserves to die." I said, something I normally wouldn't have said. i had never though people sould die, but I did now. Jeff needed to. He needed to burn in hell.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." Slender said. 

"Thing of the two wrongs in the situation being negative integers in math. Then the right is a positive interger. A negative times a negatove is a positive, therefore, two wrongs do make a right." I said and got wird looks from everyone. I seriously ust brought math into a disccusion about killing people. 

"Yep, she's weird. Like E.J." Ben said as he helped Jeff. 

"I'm not wierd! I'm just a nerd!" I argued, basically proving his point. "Okay, shut up." I snapped. Ben removed the knife from Jeff's shoulder and his wite hoodie was instantly stained with blood flowing from it.

"Serves you right." Jane said. "Do you really think people will let you get away with killing their family? Huh?" 

"Shut up. You couldn't beat me if you tried and she's weak and worthless. Even with my now bad arm, I could kill you both in a matter of seconds." Jeff snapped, no longer smiling.

"Bullshit." Jane said.

"Bulltrue." Jeff fired back and they just glared at each other. 

"Sorry about your shoulder." I told Jeff, surprising him, myself, and everyone. Why was I apologixing? He deserved it! Then again, I had always been that girl who was nice to everyone, so for me to actually stab him would be something you would consider as a rumor.

"It's fine. But I'm not sorry about your sister." he answered and walked away. L.J was laughing the whole time, and the only sound was his demonic laughing. I glared at him an dhe stooped laghing, but was still snickering. Eventually he stopped and it was quiet.

"Well, you can stay and hang out for a while, if you want. It's only two in the morning." E.J. said. 2 a.m. already? That was, what, four hours since I had gone and met E.J in the woods.

"No, I should probably go home. I have school." I asnwered. E.J. noddded.

"I'll walk you back home, then." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the mansion and through the woods.

"I could come back after school, if you'd like." I suggested and I could almost tell E.J was smiling, but it was hidden behind his mask.

"I'll be waiting." he asnwered as we got to the edge of the woods. I smiled at E.J then weant back inside, trying not to wake up my sleeping parents. 

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