Chapter Twelve

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The troll and everything happens basically the same. Sorry, but I'm just not sure how to write this. So... Ron, Harry, Draco, and Hermione are now all friends. Okay? Okay.


After the fiasco with the troll, Severus seemed determined to keep a close eye on Harry and his friends, which was annoying, because they wanted to know what was on the third floor. Well, Hermione was perfectly okay not knowing, but Harry, Ron, and Draco were desperately curious. 

"You could just ask Snape." Ron pointed out. 

"You think Dad is going to tell me anything?" Harry asked skeptically. 

"I don't understand why you want to know so badly." Hermione said, not looking up from her book. "Why don't you just keep your head down and get your education?" 

"Because I'm Harry Potter." Harry said, rolling his eyes. "My friends and I don't do that." 

"Besides," Draco put in, grinning, "Where's the fun in that?" 

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well, you interrogate whomever you want, but I'm going to bed." 

"Goodnight, 'Mione." Ron said. 

Everyone looked at him. 

"What?" he asked. "Hermione takes too long to say. Is it fine?" 

Hermione shrugged. "Sure. I kind of like it." she smiled at the boys. "Goodnight." 


"You know," Harry said, "Uncle Hagrid generally lets stuff slip pretty easily, especially when flattered." 

"So flatter him and then interrogate him." Ron said, biting the head off a chocolate frog. 

"But he'll know what's happening if I do it." Harry said. "I've done it many times before. We need..." he smirked slightly. "We need Hermione and Draco to do it."

"I'll do it, no problem." Draco said, shrugging. "But how the heck are you going to get Hermione to do it?"

"Oh, I have my ways." Harry said, a mischievous grin playing around his lips.


"Absolutely not." Hermione said. "No, no way, I refuse." 

"Come on, 'Mione!" Harry said.  He knew she always softened at the nickname, and, as such, it was reserved for special times. "Please?"

As expected, her expression softened slightly, but her attitude did not. "No. I've already told you. I refuse." 

Harry pretended to sigh, and turned around. Then he whirled again, acting like the idea had just struck him. 

"What if I tell you that I can make you fail potions?" he asked. 

"That's blackmail!" Hermione shrieked. "And Professor Snape would never do that!" 

"Do you really want to take that chance?" Harry asked. "If I was you, I wouldn't do that." 

Hermione paused. "Fine. I'll help. But just this once, okay?" 

Harry grinned. "Deal." 


"I still don't understand how you got her to do this." Draco whispered to Harry as the quartet hurried down to Hagrid's Hut. 

"Blackmail, my friend, is my best friend." Harry said. "I've used it so many times on so many people. Once when I was four, I blackmailed a seventeen year old into sneaking me into Hogsmeade." 

"How'd you manage that?" Ron asked, joining them. 

"I got a hold of some pictures he didn't want getting out." Harry smirked. "Don't leave the dorms open. Ever. I will get in. And I will go through your stuff." 

"Even ours?" Draco asked. 

"Depends on if I need blackmail material for you." Harry shrugged. 

"How did you get into the girls' dorms?" Hermione asked, finally interested in their conversation. 

"Brooms, dear Hermione," Harry explained. "Are also my best friend." 

The quartet made it down to Hagrid's Hut, and knocked. Fang's bark boomed out. The friends flinched, hoping nobody heard. 

The door opened, just a crack, and Hagrid's face appeared. 

"Hey, Uncle Hagrid," Harry said. "Do you have a moment?" 

"Er," Hagrid looked over his shoulder. "Does it have to be now?" 

"Well..." Harry hesitated. "Yeah, it kind of does."

Hagrid sighed. "Fine, fine, come on in." 

The four friends entered the hut. 

"Oh, Hagrid!" Draco said in surprise. "It's stifling in here! Can we open a window, or put out the fire, or something?"

"Er, no, sorry Draco." Hagrid said. "It's gotta stay warm in here." His eyes seemed to continually flick back to the fireplace. 

Harry followed his gaze, and cried out slightly. 

"Hagrid!" he exclaimed. "W-where did you get that?" 

All eyes in the cabin turned to the fireplace. Sitting in the embers was a sleek, shiny, black, and extremely large egg. 

"W,w,what is that?" Hermione asked. Her tone said she wasn't sure she wanted to know. 

"That is a dragon egg." Harry, Ron, and Draco said in unison. 

"It's a Norwegian Ridgeback." Ron added. "They're really rare! How'd you get one?" 

"Won him off a Greek chappie I won down in a pub." Hagrid said casually. "In a game of cards." 

"Did you talk about animals at all?" Harry asked. 

"Well, yeah, I suppose." Hagrid said thoughtfully. "He asked about Fluffy, wanted to know if I would be able to take care of a dragon."

"Fluffly?" Hermione asked. 

"My dog." Hagrid said. "He's up in the castle, I loaned him ter Dumbledore ter guard the Sorcerer's Stone- I shouldn'ta told yer that."

Hagrid looked horrified with himself. 

"Did you tell him this?" Harry asked urgently. "Did you tell him about Fluffly?" 

"Well, yeah." Hagrid said reluctantly. "I told him, after Fluffy, I could take care of a dragon. The trick with any beast is to know how to calm it. Look at Fluffy, for example. Just play 'im a but of music and he goes right to sleep." 

Hagrid looked horrified again. "I shouldn'ta told yer that, either." 

"But you told this man." Harry said. 

"Yes, I did." Hagrid said. 

"We've got to go, Hagrid." Draco said. "We'll talk to you some other time." 

Hagrid looked furious with himself. 

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