After The Competition

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After the Wizard Competition, the Russo family entered the Wizard Portal, leading them home.

"Oh, Alex, I know your sad you can't date Mason anymore. But, he's doing this for you." Theresa hugged her daughter.

"I know, Mom. But, he said we would be together forever!" Alex sobbed "I'm going to go talk to him." Alex walked over to the English Werewolf.

"Alex," Mason began, "I'm sorry you didn't win, and I'm happy for Justin. And do I want to keep dating you? Of course! You're my True Love! I love you! But, I don't want to risk your life." Mason checked his watch. "Oh no, it's getting late. I've got to go!" Mason began to head to the exit.

"Mason! Don't go! I don't care if something happens to me. I'd rather die dating you than not! Please!" Alex pleaded. She started to cry once again. She walked to her parents. "Let's go." Alex said sadly. Her parents nodded.

When they exited their wizard lair, Justin asked kindly, "Hey, Alex, do you want to talk"

"Why would I?" Alex said rudely.

"Well, if you are, you can talk to me, mom, dad, even Max. Always know that there is someone who you can talk to, at all times." Justin reassured.

"Mind your own business, Justin!" Alex was not in the mood to talk to her brother, Especially when he just won the wizard competition, that doesn't allow her to date Mason.

"Alex, I know you're sad, but we can help you, if you'll allow us to. I love you, and I know the others love you too. We don't want anything bad to happen to you." Theresa said to Alex.

"Mom, I know you want what's best for me, but I just can't live here if I'm going to see Mason every day," Alex said "it just hurts too much"

"I understand honey" Theresa began "but we love you so much that I don't think we can go. Please just day."

Alex began "sorry mom, But I've made my mind. I think I'm going to go live with Uncle Kelbo instead"

"Jerry!" Teresa yelled for her husband. Jerry Russo came down the stairs

" What's wrong?" Jerry asked curiously

Teresa answered "Alex wants to go live with Kelbo because she's sad and doesn't want to live here if she's going to see Mason every day."

"Oh, I see. Alex, are you sure? Kelbo is very reckless, Believe me, he has done something that he still regrets. I won't tell you what it is because it is ---" Jerry paused. "Well, you get the idea." Jerry tried to change Alex's mind. But it did not work. It only made Alex wanted to leave even more. "OK, Alex." Jerry sighed. "if you really want to go, you can, but, remember, if you need something or you want to come back or something is wrong, you can always ask me, or your mother."

"Okay. I think I'm going to go upstairs and pack my things. Thanks for understanding. I promise to stay in touch." Alex promised. She went up the spiral staircase leading from the substation to the Russo family living room.

After Alex finished packing some things she left in her old room, she went down the stairs into the family substation. She was surprised at she had found. Her family and her best friend, Harper Finkle.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked Harper.

Harper replied kindly. "Well, your parents told me that your going to live with your Uncle. And I know you won't listen to me, especially when I'm telling you not to do something. But, why not? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME?! I LIVE IN AN APARTMENT THAT WE BOUGHT, FOR THE BOTH OF US! AND NOW YOUR LEAVING ME?!'' Harper yelled. Everyone began to stare at her. Then she gestured to Alex. She mouthed "Come on." And Alex followed her best friend into her old bedroom. It was very empty. There was nothing in her drawers, closet, or dresser. "Tell me. Are you really going to live with your Uncle, isn't he, um, how do I say this nicely? A nut job?"

"Wow, Harper you of all people should know, that if I'm running AWAY from Magic, I wouldn't live with my Uncle Kelbo. He has Magic. It's just going to make me feel like I'm horrible at Magic, I mean, even I'm better than him at Magic, yet he won the Family Wizard Competition! I'm probably going to live with Dean. I mean, he asked me if I'd live with him before. I'm just gonna ask him if the offer still stands. And if not, I'll live with Aunt Meg. She doesn't have her powers, and she's an artist, kind of like me!" Alex explained to Harper.

"Ok. But, why would you move? You can live with me in our apartment. There's no magic there." Harper tried to reason with Alex.

"What are you talking about? We live on a secret floor. Our neighbours are Zombies, Ghouls, Elves, and other magical creatures. And don't you remember, Mason lives beside us? And plus, no offence, you snore, a lot. And Mason's part of the reason why I want to leave." Alex had began tearing up, only by the memory of all the times they've had together.

"None taken. You know, I don't trust Dean with you. You might want to go live with your aunt." Harper never trusted Dean. He used to be Alex's boyfriend.

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