The Final Decision

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After Alex and Harper picked up their luggage from their apartment, they went back to the substation. Waiting for them was the Russo family. Crying, Theresa went up to them and told them to be careful, and that if they needed anything, they should just call or come back.

"I got it mom. You don't have to keep repeating it to me. You said that, like, a billion times. A day! It is kind of getting annoying. Anyways, we better get going. we have to be there in like 30 minutes. Who's coming?" Alex knew her parents would definitely want to come, and would force her brothers to come and say goodbye.

"We all are." Theresa and Jerry glanced at the boys.

"Sure, doesn't matter. I don't have anything else to do." Max agreed.

"For you, maybe. But, I am the family wizard, I can be studying right now. But, you know what, maybe I should come, in case you guys need help." Justin stopped as he saw the look on his mother and father's faces. "Never mind."

"What we hope, Justin meant, was that, we can help you check-in and everything." Theresa said.

As the Russo's reached the airport, Justin took out their baggages.

They entered the airport after they parked the car. Alex and Harper lined up for the check in. As they reached the counter, the whole family came with them. Saying their final goodbyes, Alex held up their boarding passes and checked the boarding time.

"Um, Alex." Harper began. "Are you sure about this?"

"Well, to be honest, Harper. I'm kind of re-thinking this. I don't really want to live in a place where I might see Mason everywhere, but, I don't want to live in a place full of French people. They are so snobby and rude. Actually, that's me without the snobby part." Everyone stared at her. "Anyways, maybe we should, um, cancel this flight."

Harper looked ecstatic, "you really mean it? I mean, this is great. I mean, I didn't really want to leave this place. I mean, we have a great apartment, and, you have a great family, who let me live in the basement." She sighed, "And I really like living here. Maybe we can get a new apartment, so then we won't see Mason."

"Yeah, sure. Honestly, I don't think that I would want to live with Aunt Megan. So, you can get that refund, right?" Harper nodded. "Well, I think you should get the refund, cause, I'm staying! But not with Dean."

"Wait. You were thinking of being with that, Moriarty kid? You know, I never like him." Jerry sighed. "Wait. You are definitely staying?" Alex nodded as a sign of yes. "WOOHOO! My baby girl is staying!"

"DAD!" Alex scolded at him looking embarrassed. Everyone began to stare at her.

"Well, anyway. I'm so happy you are staying with us. And you know, you can two stay in your old room until you find a stable place. And you can work at the substation. Have a pay check and everything. Until you can afford an apartment, at least."

"Cool, thanks, Dad." Alex hugged her family and then threw away the boarding passes.

And life as they knew it, was never to be the past again.

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