The Conversation

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That afternoon, Theresa asked Alex to stay one more night in her old room, then she can go back to her apartment. As Alex started to read her graphic novel, or as she calls it, he comic book, she got a text message from Harper.
Harper: Hey Alex!
Alex: Hey Harper.
Harder: What are you doing?
Alex: Reading.
Harper: A book?! I'm surprised!
Alex: What the heck , you really think I would read an book without pictures? That's not a book, that's homework! And I don't do homework. Especially on weekends.
Harper: I forgot. Whoops. Anyways, do you want to plan what we're doing when we get to Paris?
Alex: No way.
Harper: Why not?
Alex: Because Harper, we are just staying with my Aunt Megan. Do a little shopping. Amd relax. We graduated. We can do anything we want.
Harper: Fine, if you don't want to plan ahead, I will.
Alex: Okay, it's up to you. But I'm going to relax.
Harper: We have to at least buy a ticket, and talk to your Aunt Meg.
Alex: OMG! YOU ARE DISTURBING MY PICTURE-LOOKING. Fine, I will text my aunt,and if she says yes, you can buy the stupid ticket.
Harper: Thank you!
Alex: Whatever. I'm going to sleep. Night.
Harper: Okay. Night. See you tomorrow.
Alex: Ok night.

The next morning, Alex went down to the substation. She saw an egg-dressed female. It was obviously Harper.

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