the Spy and I

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Chapter 1:


I waltzed into school, wearing my bright blue vans, dark skinny jeans and american eagle hoodie. I had my usual coffee cup in my hand, sipping on it as I casually strolled into the classroom I was supposed to by meeting in.

I arrived, and let myself in without knocking. The classroom was actually a conference room, where student council meets. There were 11 members of the 12th grade council gathered around the sleek conference table. Most of them glared at me.

"Riley,10 minutes late as usual." Brandon, the Junior's student council president, complained. Although I wasn't really fans of any student council members, I especially hated Brandon.

"Sorry Mr. President, sir." I said, mocking the way he thinks he deserves more respect than anyone else. I mockingly saluted him, then plopped down in my seat. He scowled at me, then began to speak.

"Now that everyone is present, we can begin. First off, we all know what special event is coming up. The Homecoming festival and dance, of course! Now, the date is set for 3 and a half weeks from now, so we need to start brainstorming. Any ideas for our dance theme?" Brandon asked.

"How about a Hawaiian Luau?" Hope, the biggest bee-otch suggested in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

"That's a great idea, Hope." Brandon smiled at her. She smiled flirtatiously back, swirling a strand of her mud-colored hair around her finger. I had figured out long ago that she and Brandon had some sort of sexual relationship. I almost gagged imagining it.

"I think that idea kinda sucks ass." I blurted out. "That's been done so many times." I shrugged. Hope narrowed her almond shaped eyes at me.

"Why are you even in student council?" she spat at me.

"Well, the teacher's say because student council needs 'variety' but the true explanation is because you needed someone who is actually creative." I smirked at her.

"Well if your such a creative genius, give us an idea." she scoffed at me.

"Happily. We could have an around the world theme, where we decorate different parts of the dance with different continents' cultures all over the world, we could have a masquerade ball, where everyone wears a mask, an under the sea dance, where we make everything look underwater..." After a few more ideas, I finally stopped.

"Those are actually really good ideas." Brandon muttered.

"Let's take a vote, then." Cameron, the tall, scrawny boy sitting next to me said.

After receiving a slip of paper, everyone voted. Everyone voted for one of my ideas, accept for Hope. The winning theme was under the sea.

"Your welcome." I beamed. Hope rolled her eyes, looking at me like I was repulsive.

I stuck my tongue out at her. "So, it's decided. The theme this year is Under the Sea. Now, moving on, we have one more matter to discuss. A new student in our grade is starting today." Brandon announced. "His name is Collin Pierce. Principal Fields asked that a member of Student Council show him around. I told her that whoever's idea was chosen for the dance would be the one to show him around. So... Riley..." He said, worry warping his features.

"Boooo!" I complained. That means more work.

"Well, I understand if you don't want to do it." He said quickly, relieved.

"Wait, does this mean I get excused from classes?" I asked.

"umm, Well principal Fields said tardies would be excused..." He answered, anxiety creeping back to his face.

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