rock climbing

19 4 2

Dear diary, today is another day we'll let's say one of the worst I have had another seizure and it sucks that I can't change who i am, if only I was born like all the other people out there then people would like me!

I stood up and closed my diary putting it on my bed I grab my bag and walk out to my mum's car when I get in a whole lot of stress washes over me.

As my mum pulls up to the school I sigh a deep sigh making her look at me she asks "will you be ok" I nod and answer "maybe"

I get out my mums car and walk into the doors belonging to my high school bhhs (beacon hills high school)

I walk towards my locker and put in my combination 13-32-21 I put my bag in there and check my schedule first lesson p.e I sigh and slam my locker shut Im about walk towards the gym when 2 girls walk up to me I look around obviously nervous one of them says "hey I'm Allison this is my friend-" I cut her off "Lydia Martin" she nods her head and asks "what period do you have first?" "P.e" I answer walking away.

I enter the gym just as the bell goes I sigh and realise that were doing rock climbing I shake my head and walk over to the crowd Scott and Allison are up first i watch there movements carefully.

Suddenly Scott drops causing everyone to laugh coach finstock kneels beside him laughing while saying "I don't know why but your missary give me a special feeling in here" he points to his chest.

After he finishes his laughing fit he says "alright next up stilinski, erica" I shudder looking up at the wall with hesitation I step forward and buckle myself up just as I climb up I  start hyperventilating.

Coach shouts up "are you ok is it vertigo" I hear Lydia reply "vertigos a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out"

Allison says "coach you know shes epileptic" he looks up back at me

Stuttering he says "w-why doesn't anyone tell me this" he then continues "Erica you can let go of the wall there's a wall here to catch you"

I slowly let go and unbuckle myself feeling embarrassed I push through the the crowd and out the gym.

10 minutes later
After I seen the class leave the gym I ran inside and looked at the wall tying my hair in a pony tail I start heading towards the wall I reach my hand up and pull my self up I'm about to continue when I get a metallic taste in my mouth before I start shaking and fall into someone's arms passing out.

I'm sorry if I messed it up please vote and comment the word count is 500

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