chapter three

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I woke up the next morning in my bedroom I sit up confused and scratch my head I stand up and walk into my bathroom I turn on the shower and jump in washing my hair with strawberry shampoo I shave my legs and get out I look in the mirror and gasp I was staring at somebody else I smile.

I ran to my closet and pulled out a blue corset top and a black leather jacket and leopard print heels.

I put them on and blow dry my hair I put on black blush,mascara,black eyeliner and red lipstick.

I'm about to run out my room when I see a ring and a letter it says:

To Erica
Your one of my betas and I wish to protect you meet me in front of the school here is my number call me when your there (inserts number) I hope you enjoy what you are. Oh and here's a ring it has a trisqule on it it symbolises our pack, welcome to the hael pack.

I smile and add his number into his phone I walk downstairs only to be stopped by my mum saying "you look hot" I chuckle "thanks mum" I say I walk outside and get into my mums car she turns on the engine and off we go by he time we get to school its lunch time.

I walk in making a dramatic entrance I decide to walk over to some guys lunch table and steal his apple invite into it and walk out i hear Lydia ask "what the holy hell was that" the voice I reckonise "it's erica" I smirk and text Derek

Erica- are you ready
My alpha-yep

I walk out to derek and get in his car i smirk at Stiles and Scott as he drives away.

Sorry for the short chapter please vote and comment 💗 u all

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