ice rink drama

12 3 0

Ericas pov
Im looking in the mirror of my locker when I sense someone behind me I knew then it was Scott

"Twos not enough for derek,I know he needs at least three. so who's next" he asks

I turn around slamming my locker.

"Why does there have to be a next when we've​ already got you?" I ask

"Who's next" he asks again

"You know,I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put  it online?"

"I don't care"

"It happened during class. I started seizing in my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells himself not to 'cause it could break my teeth." I said

"Erica" he warns

"Do you know what happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing. You know, the only good thing about having seizures was that i never remembered them.until some brilliant JERK OFF- had to go and put cameras in everyone's phones. Look at me now, Scott. That's right, you only have eyes for her."

I turn around and walk away I waltz out the school and to Derek's hideout.

When I get there I shout "DEREK" he walk out one of the trains red eyes "what erica" he Huff's

"Call a pack meeting it's important"

He nods and pulls out his phone "Issac come back to the abandoned train we need to talk it's important"

I look up and ask "who's Issac"

He looks in my eyes "your about to find out"

20 minutes later

"Took your time" Derek says

I turn around and see a tall curly head boy wearing a leather jacket.

I notice the bad boy look.

I scoff and say "it's important so listen up"

Issac looks at me and says "I'm all ears"

I roll my eyes and tell them what Scott said to me.

Derek speaks up "his figuring it out"

"No shit" I whisper under my breath
Isaac's pov
When I walk into the train station I see a tall blonde headed girl.

I'm about ask her name when Derek's says "took your time"

I look her up and down when she demands "it's important so listen up"

I sit there listening​ when Derek speaks up "his figuring it out"

"No shit" she whispers

I laugh quietly and they both look at me I cough and ask "who's next anyway"


I shake my head and lean against the pole next to me "does he have a choice?" I ask

"Yes,I'm not forcing anyone into this" he answers

"Soo... When do we do this" she asks

"Tomorrow" I guess

Derek nods and walks away while shouting "GET SOME REST YOUR GONNA NEED IT"

I laugh loudly and finally ask "whats your name" she laughs and answers me "Erica... And your Issac" I narrow my eyes at her and laugh "goodnight" I say she laughs nods her head and walks away.

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