Where there's smoke...

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The whole school had turned upside down, there was paparazzi everywhere and the police.

This once elite school was now upside down.. students were rooting carrying posters. The air smelt like smoke and fire. The windows of some of the buildings were  broken.

There was noise and chaos everywhere. The air was filled with teargas and crashing windows. They used a bat to disfigure a teacher's car. There were loud angry voices screaming hate words.

The hallways were empty and my locker was art slammed with the words "KILLER SLUT" . It wasn't just mine Tyler's had "MURDERER written on it".

Everybody thought Tyler had killed Jester and post cards were everywhere with words like

"Kill the murderer before he kills"

' We came to read not die'

'Two down how many more to go'

'We can't school with a murderer'

'Tyler's the killer'

I dialled Tyler's number but it went to his voicemail and the noise wasn't helping. I headed down the cafeteria to see if anyone of them was around.

The cafeteria had seats turned upside down and students not in their uniform and as I looked around one student caught my eye.


She was seating with a camera pointed to get face by a press man and another woman say opposite her writhing what she was saying "Tyler grabbed jester by the neck and was strangling him right here.. poor jester couldn't do anything he was so scared and he wanted was food before that no goody bad Tyler attacked him and before we knew it Tyler killed him that evening"

"That's a lie" I interrupted telling for GOD knows why " Jester instigated the fight first and Tyler did not strangle him and he certainly did not kill him"

"What do you know?" The journalist asked pointing a once resting microphone at my face as the cameras faced me. I pushed it off in time to watch Emily growl " Tyler is my friend,  he is not capable of murder and never will be"

"Oh yeah right... like we all thought you were  good friend" Emily's words drew my attention and she folded her hands" Why don't you tell everyone you are responsible for Summer's disappearance "

I gasped my eyes popping open" I am not responsible for Summer's disappearance".

"Yea you are!! You jealous dwib" she fired her blue eyes fiercely red like her lips.

"Now I get" realization hit me she only insults people what she was " You are jealous of me. Jealous of the fact that Jester chose me instead of you and i got to hang out with Ryan instead of you and i also got to be in a clique were i am loved and respected instead of you and most of all I became better in everything instead of you" I poked her chest as I was not far from her and she slapped me.

It stung and i didn't want to be a weakling in front of everyone watching so I slapped her back and she landed on the floor.

She started crying and i felt sad at how she laid there weak and was at my feet. I slapped her hard enough that it hurt my own hand just then Megan pulled me away

"Stay away from the cameras in you don't want to be on the news" Megan said as she pulled me into the hallways "your face is on all the televisions in school and people are watching... you don't want to be the next victim "

"Wait what happened?" I asked worried about the meaning of her statement and my mind ran back to Tyler "what happened to Tyler?"

"He's  fine so is Ryan who's car was bashed severly we need to get out of school grounds now" she said as we walked quickly through the halls

But where there's smoke there's fire..

A group of students who we thought were protesting suddenly entired the hallways  and we turned back and climbed the stairs.

Like from frying pan to fire, we bumped into summer's parents. Her mom's blonde bob hair was dull unlike it's normal shine and she looked pale. With no makeup and red eyes, she looked like she had aged so quickly. I had seen her before but I could barely recognize her. Her dad had lost weight and was looking sad as he held his wife to his chest.

I wanted to move away at that moment but her voice rooted my feet to the ground and Megan was gone... so much for a friend Megan.

She pointed at me "You... I know you.. you are one of summer's friends. I've seen you countless times on her phone.

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