Remain Calm (V/Jihyun Kim x Abused!F!Reader)

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Requested by: Pillowlover123

WARNING: Abuse, self harm, mentions of suicide, etc.


"I never thought I could become so dependant on someone. It's funny to me." (y/n) chuckled as she covered up her arms with her sleeves.

Jihyun sighed, "There's nothing to laugh about (y/n)."

"I missed you though, no matter what I missed you so much. Even in high school, when we graduated. I..." She sighed and continued to speak, "Even when I escaped the torture from my parents, I just found more torture. I hate my boyfriend. He's now my abuser, I can't stand him."

Tears were building up in Jihyun's eyes as (y/n) continued to speak, "Maybe I deserve this. This is probably karma, though I don't know what I did wrong."

The tears finally spilled over on V's cheeks. He spoke, "(y/n), no one deserves to be abused. Especially you, you did nothing wrong. Please speak up about this. This is a huge matter, he shouldn't be hitting you."

(y/n) shook her head side to side, "He does this to me because he loves me."

Jihyun had disgust on his face, "This isn't love. Is he loved you, he wouldn't hit you. He's an awful person, please leave him. I will help you, I will go to your apartment and pack your things. I'm here for you."

(y/n) bursted into tears, she covered her face and began to wail. Jihyun gave her a his handkerchief. (y/n) took it and wiped her tears away. She got up and hugged him ever so tightly. They got into Jihyun's car, in the car she told him everything. (y/n) spoke about how much she wished for death. She spoke about the times she was sent to the hospital due to her boyfriend's abuse. (y/n) would often write suicide notes, but burn them afterwards.

Then she spoke about her self harm. How the scars anger her boyfriend, how he called them ugly. Jihyun told her that self harm should never be the last resort. The male explained how she should love her body instead of hating it. Jihyun took one hand off of the wheel and took her hand. (y/n) gasped, she tensed up. But soon her body melted into his touch. It was like high school. She felt safe when she touched Jihyun.

They arrived at the apartment. The both of them went in, luckily he wasn't there. (y/n) explained how she snuck out, as they were packing. They packed her things and ran out of the apartment building. Jihyun called the police and explained the situation to in every detail that he could remember. (y/n) in the car was clinging onto his arms, bawling tears of happiness.

She's escaping from Hell, now she's finding light with Jihyun.

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